
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reviving Mother Nature Essay

I can feel the cool breeze touching my skin as I sit on the big rock, mesmerized by the greenest mountains, my heart is somersaulting by the beauty of the calm water stretching through the river. The chirping of the birds, the soft hush of the grass as it sways with the wind. This beautiful scenery makes me feel happy, finding peace in nature as the sun sets in the horizon. But these are just my illusions, and my senses are persistent in drifting me back into reality. And what reality is that? It’s the reality that our Mother Earth is dying. We were born in this world completely provided with everything – food, air, water, natural resources and a beautiful nature that serves as our home. Our mother nature is like a cosy womb which provides us security, protection and nourishment. However, we never saw the real extent of how precious this planet is to us. We went out the world as a successful species but completely a failure as sons and daughters of Mother Earth. We people tend to destroy everything we have in nature. We are all after for our own comfort, not realizing the damage we cause to our Mother Nature. We always want to live an easy life, even if this means exploiting our resources. Global warming is the major concern that we are facing right now. The continued rise in the global temperature will lead us again to another resulting factor, the climate change. There have been a lot of question if what really causing the climate change. Skeptics are voicing out their opinions, saying that it’s just due to natural variability, that Mother Earth has its own agenda in warming the earth. But I would certainly disagree to that. There is stronger evidence that most of the warming over the last 50 years is due to human activities. Ice cores taken from deep in ancient ice of Antarctica show that carbon dioxide levels are higher now than at any time in the past thousand years. This carbon dioxide plays the major role in warming the earth, thus creating climate change. We humans are the main contributing factor in the destruction of our environment. It has been reported that it is more than 90 percent likely that the accelerated warming is due to human contributions. Such contributions include increased levels of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide in the air. One of the biggest ways we contribute greenhouse gasses is by burning fossil fuels. We use coal, oil, and natural gas to generate electricity, heat our homes, power our factories, and run our cars. Trees and other plants use carbon dioxide and give off oxygen, planting more of them can save us from our damnation. But nobody seemed to care. We are all aiming for globalization and modernization, turning lush green forests into industrial sites, building factories that destroy the environment and killing many animals. We brilliantly invented new materials but took so long to realize that they would in the future become non-biodegradable trash that would accumulate in the environment, we throw our trash everywhere and most of all, we do not value wildlife. Along with our success as a species came the extinction of many animals thus wreaking havoc on ecological system. What we are unaware of is that all of our abuses to the environment would affect us largely in the long run. Now friends, can you still say that it’s just a natural variability or a devastated Mother Earth taking its revenge? Just recently, we experienced a heavy downfall. Metro Manila and other parts of Luzon had been flooded heavily, destroying properties and killing number of individuals. We can hear our fellowmen crying for help and save them from adversities. It has been forecasted that we will be experiencing another El Nino as the summer approaches. We will expect more of this ladies and gentlemen, with the climate change, floods and drought would be more severe and frequent. Change. This is the one we need to reverse all the consequences of our actions. Change in our attitude, personality, outlook and actions. This change should start within each of us. Be vigilant in what’s happening in our environment, take a stand and start caring and nursing our Mother Nature. It is the best time for us to plant more trees, stop illegal logging and other human activities that destroys our environment. Learn to sacrifice to lessen the use of fossil fuels and other chemicals that harm nature. I am aware that there is no way for us to totally eradicate activities that affect the environment to some extent because that would mean that the human civilization would have to move backwards and embrace its primitive ways. I understand that modernization comes side by side with human advancement and progress. What I just want is for everybody to realize that along with this progress also comes our responsibility to protect our environment. Start now, act now, it’s not too late for my illusions and of the next generation’s dream turn into reality.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Part Four Chapter III

III Andrew had spent hours deciding which clothes he ought to wear for his first day's work at the Copper Kettle. His final choice was draped over the back of the chair in his bedroom. A particularly angry acne pustule had chosen to bring itself to a shiny tight peak on his left cheek, and Andrew had gone so far as to experiment with Ruth's foundation, which he had sneaked out of her dressing-table drawer. He was laying the kitchen table on Friday evening, his mind full of Gaia and the seven solid hours of close proximity to her that were within touching distance, when his father returned from work in a state that Andrew had never seen before. Simon seemed subdued, almost disorientated. ‘Where's your mother?' Ruth came bustling out of the walk-in pantry. ‘Hello Si-Pie! How – what's wrong?' ‘They've made me redundant.' Ruth clapped her hands to her face in horror, then dashed to her husband, threw her arms around his neck and drew him close. ‘Why?' she whispered. ‘That message,' said Simon. ‘On that fucking website. They pulled in Jim and Tommy too. It was take redundancy or we'll sack you. And it's a shitty deal. It's not even what they gave Brian Grant.' Andrew stood perfectly still, calcifying slowly into a monument of guilt. ‘Fuck,' said Simon, into Ruth's shoulder. ‘You'll get something else,' she whispered. ‘Not round here,' said Simon. He sat down on a kitchen chair, still in his coat, and stared across the room, apparently too stunned to speak. Ruth hovered around him, dismayed, affectionate and tearful. Andrew was glad to detect in Simon's catatonic gaze a whiff of his usual ham theatrics. It made him feel slightly less guilty. He continued to lay the table without saying a word. Dinner was a subdued affair. Paul, apprised of the family news, looked terrified, as though his father might accuse him of causing it all. Simon acted like a Christian martyr through the first course, wounded but dignified in the face of unwarranted persecution, but then – ‘I'll pay someone to punch the fucker's fat face through the back of his neck,' he burst out as he spooned apple crumble into himself; and the family knew that he meant Howard Mollison. ‘You know, there's been another message on that council website,' said Ruth breathlessly. ‘It's not only you who's had it, Si. Shir – somebody told me at work. The same person – The Ghost of Barry Fairbrother – has put up something horrible about Dr Jawanda. So Howard and Shirley got someone in to look at the site, and he realized that whoever's doing these messages has been using Barry Fairbrother's log-in details, so to be safe, they've taken them off the – the database or something – ‘ ‘And will any of this get me my fucking job back?' Ruth did not speak again for several minutes. Andrew was unnerved by what his mother had said. It was worrying that The_Ghost_of_Barry_Fairbrother was being investigated, and unnerving that somebody else had followed his lead. Who else would have thought of using Barry Fairbrother's log-in details but Fats? Yet why would Fats go for Dr Jawanda? Or was it just another way of getting at Sukhvinder? Andrew did not like it at all †¦ ‘What's the matter with you?' Simon barked across the table. ‘Nothing,' Andrew muttered, and then, backtracking, ‘it's a shock, isn't it †¦ your job †¦' ‘Oh, you're shocked, are you?' shouted Simon, and Paul dropped his spoon and dribbled ice cream down himself. ‘(Clean it up, Pauline, you little pansy!) Well, this is the real world, Pizza Face!' he shouted at Andrew. ‘Fuckers everywhere trying to do you down! So you,' he pointed across the table at his eldest son, ‘you get some dirt on Mollison, or don't bother coming home tomorrow!' ‘Si – ‘ Simon pushed his chair away from the table, threw down his own spoon, which bounced onto the floor with a clatter, and stalked from the room, slamming the door behind him. Andrew waited for the inevitable, and was not disappointed. ‘It's a terrible shock for him,' a shaken Ruth whispered at her sons. ‘After all the years he's given that company †¦ he's worried how he's going to look after us all †¦' When the alarm rang at six thirty the next morning, Andrew slammed it off within seconds and virtually leapt out of bed. Feeling as though it was Christmas Day, he washed and dressed at speed, then spent forty minutes on his hair and face, dabbing minuscule amounts of foundation onto the most obvious of his spots. He half expected Simon to waylay him as he crept past his parents' room, but he met nobody, and after a hasty breakfast he wheeled Simon's racing bicycle out of the garage and sped off down the hill towards Pagford. It was a misty morning that promised sunshine later. The blinds were still down in the delicatessen, but the door tinkled and gave when he pushed it. ‘Not this way!' shouted Howard, waddling towards him. ‘You come in round the back! You can leave the bike by the bins, get it away from the front!' The rear of the delicatessen, reached by a narrow passageway, comprised a tiny dank patch of stone-paved yard, bordered by high walls, sheds with industrial-sized metal bins and a trapdoor that led down vertiginous steps to a cellar. ‘You can chain it up somewhere there, out of the way,' said Howard, who had appeared at the back door, wheezing and sweaty-faced. While Andrew fumbled with the padlock on the chain, Howard dabbed at his forehead with his apron. ‘Right, we'll start with the cellar,' he said, when Andrew had secured the bicycle. He pointed at the trapdoor. ‘Get down there and see the layout.' He bent over the hatch as Andrew climbed down the steps. Howard had not been able to climb down into his own cellar for years. Maureen usually tottered up and down the steps a couple of times a week; but now that it was fully stocked with goods for the cafe, younger legs were indispensible. ‘Have a good look around,' he shouted at the out-of-sight Andrew. ‘See where we've got the gateaux and all the baked goods? See the big bags of coffee beans and the boxes of teabags? And in the corner – the toilet rolls and the bin bags?' ‘Yeah,' Andrew's voice echoed up from the depths. ‘You can call me Mr Mollison,' said Howard, with a slightly tart edge to his wheezy voice. Down in the cellar, Andrew wondered whether he ought to start straight away. ‘OK †¦ Mr Mollison.' It sounded sarcastic. He hastened to make amends with a polite question. ‘What's in these big cupboards?' ‘Have a look,' said Howard impatiently. ‘That's what you're down there for. To know where you put everything and where you get it from.' Howard listened to the muffled sounds of Andrew opening the heavy doors, and hoped that the boy would not prove gormless or need a lot of direction. Howard's asthma was particularly bad today; the pollen count was unseasonably high, on top of all the extra work, and the excitement and petty frustrations of the opening. The way he was sweating, he might need to ring Shirley to bring him a new shirt before they unlocked the doors. ‘Here's the van!' Howard shouted, hearing a rumble at the other end of the passageway. ‘Get up here! You're to carry the stuff down to the cellar and put it away, all right? And bring a couple of gallons of milk through to me in the cafe. You got that?' ‘Yeah †¦ Mr Mollison,' said Andrew's voice from below. Howard walked slowly back inside to fetch the inhaler that he kept in his jacket, which was hanging up in the staff room behind the delicatessen counter. Several deep breaths later, he felt much better. Wiping his face on his apron again, he sat down on one of the creaking chairs to rest. Several times since he had been to see her about his skin rash, Howard had thought about what Dr Jawanda had said about his weight: that it was the source of all his health problems. Nonsense, obviously. Look at the Hubbards' boy: built like a beanpole, and shocking asthma. Howard had always been big, as far back as he could remember. In the very few photographs taken of him with his father, who had left the family when Howard was four or five, he was merely chubby. After his father had left, his mother had sat him at the head of the table, between herself and his grandmother, and been hurt if he did not take seconds. Steadily he had grown to fill the space between the two women, as heavy at twelve as the father who had left them. Howard had come to associate a hearty appetite with manliness. His bulk was one of his defining characteristics. It had been built with pleasure, by the women who loved him, and he thought it was absolutely characteristic of Bends-Your-Ear, that emasculating killjoy, that she wanted to strip him of it. But sometimes, in moments of weakness, when it became difficult to breathe or to move, Howard knew fear. It was all very well for Shirley to act as though he had never been in danger, but he remembered long nights in the hospital after his bypass, when he had not been able to sleep for worry that his heart might falter and stop. Whenever he caught sight of Vikram Jawanda, he remembered that those long dark fingers had actually touched his naked, beating heart; the bonhomie with which he brimmed at each encounter was a way of driving out that primitive, instinctive terror. They had told him at the hospital afterwards that he needed to lose some weight, but he had dropped two stone naturally while he was forced to live off their dreadful food, and Shirley had been intent on fattening him up again once he was out †¦ Howard sat for a moment more, enjoying the ease with which he breathed after using his inhaler. Today meant a great deal to him. Thirty-five years previously, he had introduced fine dining to Pagford with the elan of a sixteenth-century adventurer returning with delicacies from the other side of the world, and Pagford, after initial wariness, had soon begun to nose curiously and timidly into his polystyrene pots. He thought wistfully of his late mother, who had been so proud of him and his thriving business. He wished that she could have seen the cafe. Howard heaved himself back to his feet, took his deerstalker from its hook and placed it carefully on his head in an act of self-coronation. His new waitresses arrived together at half-past eight. He had a surprise for them. ‘Here you are,' he said, holding out the uniforms: black dresses with frilly white aprons, exactly as he had imagined. ‘Ought to fit. Maureen reckoned she knew your sizes. She's wearing one herself.' Gaia forced back a laugh as Maureen stalked into the delicatessen from the cafe, smiling at them. She was wearing Dr Scholl's sandals over her black stockings. Her dress finished two inches above her wrinkled knees. ‘You can change in the staff room, girls,' she said, indicating the place from which Howard had just emerged. Gaia was already pulling off her jeans beside the staff toilet when she saw Sukhvinder's expression. ‘Whassamatter, Sooks?' she asked. The new nickname gave Sukhvinder the courage to say what she might otherwise have been unable to voice. ‘I can't wear this,' she whispered. ‘Why?' asked Gaia. ‘You'll look OK.' But the black dress had short sleeves. ‘I can't.' ‘But wh – Jesus,' said Gaia. Sukhvinder had pulled back the sleeves of her sweatshirt. Her inner arms were covered in ugly criss-cross scars, and angry fresh-clotted cuts travelled up from her wrist to her inner arm. ‘Sooks,' said Gaia quietly. ‘What are you playing at, mate?' Sukhvinder shook her head, with her eyes full of tears. Gaia thought for a moment, then said, ‘I know – come here.' She was stripping off her long-sleeved T-shirt. The door suffered a big blow and the imperfectly closed bolt shot open: a sweating Andrew was halfway inside, carrying two weighty packs of toilet rolls, when Gaia's angry shout stopped him in his tracks. He tripped out backwards, into Maureen. ‘They're changing in there,' she said, in sour disapproval. ‘Mr Mollison told me to put these in the staff bathroom.' Holy shit, holy shit. She had been stripped to her bra and pants. He had seen nearly everything. ‘Sorry,' Andrew yelled at the closed door. His whole face was throbbing with the force of his blush. ‘Wanker,' muttered Gaia, on the other side. She was holding out her T-shirt to Sukhvinder. ‘Put it on underneath the dress.' ‘That'll look weird.' ‘Never mind. You can get a black one for next week, it'll look like you're wearing long sleeves. We'll tell him some story †¦' ‘She's got eczema,' Gaia announced, when she and Sukhvinder emerged from the staff room, fully dressed and aproned. ‘All up her arms. It's a bit scabby.' ‘Ah,' said Howard, glancing at Sukhvinder's white T-shirted arms and then back at Gaia, who looked every bit as gorgeous as he had hoped. ‘I'll get a black one for next week,' said Sukhvinder, unable to look Howard in the eye. ‘Fine,' he said, patting Gaia in the small of her back as he sent the pair of them through to the cafe. ‘Brace yourselves,' he called to his staff at large. ‘We're nearly there †¦ doors open, please, Maureen!' There was already a little knot of customers waiting on the pavement. A sign outside read: The Copper Kettle, Opening Today – First Coffee Free! Andrew did not see Gaia again for hours. Howard kept him busy heaving milk and fruit juices up and down the steep cellar steps, and swabbing the floor of the small kitchen area at the back. He was given a lunch break earlier than either of the waitresses. The next glimpse he got of her was when Howard summoned him to the counter of the cafe, and they passed within inches of each other as she walked in the other direction, towards the back room. ‘We're swamped, Mr Price!' said Howard, in high good humour. ‘Get yourself a clean apron and mop down some of these tables for me while Gaia has her lunch!' Miles and Samantha Mollison had sat down with their two daughters and Shirley at a table in the window. ‘It seems to be going awfully well, doesn't it?' Shirley said, looking around. ‘But what on earth is that Jawanda girl wearing under her dress?' ‘Bandages?' suggested Miles, squinting across the room. ‘Hi, Sukhvinder!' called Lexie, who knew her from primary school. ‘Don't shout, darling,' Shirley reproved her granddaughter, and Samantha bristled. Maureen emerged from behind the counter in her short black dress and frilly apron, and Shirley corpsed into her coffee. ‘Oh dear,' she said quietly, as Maureen walked towards them, beaming. It was true, Samantha thought, Maureen looked ridiculous, especially next to a pair of sixteen-year-olds in identical dresses, but she was not going to give Shirley the satisfaction of agreeing with her. She turned ostentatiously away, watching the boy mopping tables nearby. He was spare but reasonably broad-shouldered. She could see his muscles working under the loose T-shirt. Incredible to think that Miles' big fat backside could ever have been that small and tight – then the boy turned into the light and she saw his acne. ‘Not half bad, is it?' Maureen was croaking to Miles. ‘We've been full all day.' ‘All right, girls,' Miles addressed his family, ‘what'll we have to keep up Grandpa's profits?' Samantha listlessly ordered a bowl of soup, as Howard waddled through from the delicatessen; he had been striding in and out of the cafe every ten minutes all day, greeting customers and checking the flow of cash into the till. ‘Roaring success,' he told Miles, squeezing in at their table. ‘What d'you think of the place, Sammy? You haven't seen it before, have you? Like the mural? Like the china?' ‘Mm,' said Samantha. ‘Lovely.' ‘I was thinking about having my sixty-fifth here,' said Howard, absent-mindedly scratching at the itch Parminder's creams had not yet cured, ‘but it's not big enough. I think we'll stick with the church hall.' ‘When's that, Grandpa?' piped up Lexie. ‘Am I coming?' ‘Twenty-ninth, and what are you now – sixteen? Course you can come,' said Howard happily. ‘The twenty-ninth?' said Samantha. ‘Oh, but †¦' Shirley looked at her sharply. ‘Howard's been planning this for months. We've all been talking about it for ages.' ‘†¦ that's the night of Libby's concert,' said Samantha. ‘A school thing, is it?' asked Howard. ‘No,' said Libby, ‘Mum's got me tickets for my favourite group. It's in London.' ‘And I'm going with her,' said Samantha. ‘She can't go alone.' ‘Harriet's mum says she could – ‘ ‘I'm taking you, Libby, if you're going to London.' ‘The twenty-ninth?' said Miles, looking hard at Samantha. ‘The day after the election?' Samantha let loose the derisive laugh that she had spared Maureen. ‘It's the Parish Council, Miles. It's not as though you'll be giving press conferences.' ‘Well, we'll miss you, Sammy,' said Howard, as he hauled himself up with the aid of the back of her chair. ‘Best get on †¦ all right, Andrew, you're done here †¦ go and see if we need anything up from the cellar.' Andrew was forced to wait beside the counter while people passed to and from the bathroom. Maureen was loading up Sukhvinder with plates of sandwiches. ‘How's your mother?' she asked the girl abruptly, as though the thought had just occurred to her. ‘Fine,' said Sukhvinder, her colour rising. ‘Not too upset by that nasty business on the council website?' ‘No,' said Sukhvinder, her eyes watering. Andrew proceeded out into the dank yard, which, in the early afternoon, had become warm and sunny. He had hoped that Gaia might be there, taking a breath of fresh air, but she must have gone into the staff room in the deli. Disappointed, he lit up a cigarette. He had barely inhaled when Gaia emerged from the cafe, finishing her lunch with a can of fizzy drink. ‘Hi,' said Andrew, his mouth dry. ‘Hi,' she said. Then, after a moment or two: ‘Hey, why's that friend of yours such a shit to Sukhvinder? Is it personal or is he racist?' ‘He isn't racist,' said Andrew. He removed the cigarette from his mouth, trying to keep his hands from trembling, but could not think of anything else to say. The sunshine reflected off the bins warmed his sweaty back; close proximity to her in the tight black dress was almost overwhelming, especially now that he had glimpsed what lay beneath. He took another drag of the cigarette, not knowing when he had felt so bedazzled or so alive. ‘What's she ever done to him, though?' The curve of her hips to her tiny waist; the perfection of her wide, flecked eyes over the can of Sprite. Andrew felt like saying, Nothing, he's a bastard, I'll hit him if you let me touch you †¦ Sukhvinder emerged into the yard, blinking in the sunlight; she looked uncomfortable and hot in Gaia's top. ‘He wants you back in,' she said to Gaia. ‘He can wait,' said Gaia coolly. ‘I'm finishing this. I've only had forty minutes.' Andrew and Sukhvinder contemplated her as she sipped her drink, awed by her arrogance and her beauty. ‘Was that old bitch saying something to you just then, about your mum?' Gaia asked Sukhvinder. Sukhvinder nodded. ‘I think it might've been his mate,' she said, staring at Andrew again, and he found her emphasis on his positively erotic, even if she meant it to be derogatory, ‘who put that message about your mum on that website.' ‘Can't've been,' said Andrew, and his voice wobbled slightly. ‘Whoever did it went after my old man, too. Couple of weeks ago.' ‘What?' asked Gaia. ‘The same person posted something about your dad?' He nodded, relishing her interest. ‘Something about stealing, wasn't it?' asked Sukhvinder, with considerable daring. ‘Yeah,' said Andrew. ‘And he got the sack for it yesterday. So her mum,' he met Gaia's blinding gaze almost steadily, ‘isn't the only one who's suffered.' ‘Bloody hell,' said Gaia, upending the can and throwing it into a bin. ‘People round here are effing mental.'

Argumentative Essay on Abortion

Today, satellite and cable television, interactive video and electronic games, the personal computer and the internet are central to the daily lives of children. Yet, little is known about the uses and impact of these new technologies. Children are no longer passive recipients of the media. Use of the internet, participation in e-mail, chat rooms, and instant messaging are some of the ways they are participating with the new media. As their enthusiasm for creating innovative uses of new media shows, children have an important role to play in the future development of new media.If information and communication technologies (ICT) are indeed an integral part of The New Economy, then how children use ICTs in their daily lives is a crucial research question to address. What is the place of new media especially the internet, in children’s lives today? Will some children be excluded from these opportunities while others live in an increasingly information-rich environment? Will the g rowing importance of the media add to the variety and pleasure in their lives, or will it contribute to their withdrawal from traditional leisure activities and even from social participation? Lets analyze these questions one after the other.New media especially the internet has positive effects on Child Development. Childhood is all about exploration, through the interactive world of technology, our children are being shaped by their exploration of computers and the Internet. The modern computer and the Internet offer today’s children a powerful device that, if used appropriately, can enhance the development of the child’s physical, cognitive, and social skills. Children get interested because they can make things happen with the Internet. The Internet is a powerful tool that is revolutionizing our children’s learning, communication and play.Impact on Physical Development It may not seem to the naked eye that exposure to the Internet would have a positive effec t on the physical development of children. However, knowledge of muscular development and motor control skills leads us to deduce that regular Internet usage would naturally enhance a child’s eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills due to keyboard and mouse usage. Impact on Cognitive Development Children who use the Internet show gains in cognitive abilities such as memory, spatial and logical problem solving, critical thinking, concentration, abstraction and comprehension.The Internet exposes children to information to improve the quality of learning that they can transform into knowledge. Through the use of the Internet, children’s language and literacy development is often promoted, allowing for greater gains in verbal and nonverbal skills. New media also includes interactive video games: Speed of visual processing-There is growing evidence that playing action video games increases people's ability to process visual information quickly and to make decisions base d on that information. So also cartoons on children.Cartoon films are central focus of many very young children's lives, used by parents to help manage busy schedules and keep the peace. Many parents also express satisfaction with the educational benefits of TV and how it can teach positive behaviors. Some of these positive effects are : Educational benefits: By watching educational cartoon films, children at every age learn so many things. Infants and toddlers start learning different words, objects and their meanings. Also, they can improve overall cognitive knowledge among young children.When a kid watches TV in his very early age, he learns many things before going to school. He takes up things easily and tries to learn how to speak and conduct himself. Helps Improve Vocabulary and Learn new languages. Makes a Child feel more confident: While watching their favorite cartoon show, kids adopt many things and sometimes they talk and behave in the same manner as their favorite chara cters do. Doing so they feel more comfortable and confident that they can talk to people and even can perform in front a crowd Enhance imagination and creativity: By watching cartoon films, children become more creative.They try to do things in different ways, so their imagination and creativity is enhanced. There is also evidence in the literature that children’s imaginative play can be positively affected by television content. The children get new ideas with which they can show their talent. Develop parent-children relationship: When parents buy different storybooks, watch different cartoons and children programs with their children or let their children to cinemas for watching movies. In each of the above case parents spend time with their children.As a result parents child relationship is improved. Source of entertainment: Cartoon films are also source of entertainment for every child even for infants and toddlers. Like infants and toddlers enjoy sounds and movement and at the same time they also learn from it. Cell Phones and Their Positive Effects In Nigeria today, 45 percent of teens own their own cell phone, which today is much more than a phone. Many cell phones function as small computers, with Internet capabilities, games, pictures, videos, texting and email.Cell phones for youth are mobile communication devices that they can use in a wide variety of ways. There are many concerns about the impact of the constant media input that cell phones provide for youth, but there are many advantages as well which includes: Communication: The most obvious benefit of cell phones for youth is their ability to help teens communicate. Although this can be a disadvantage if not properly managed, it is frequently an advantage. A teenager who owns a cell phone is always able to call her parents.If she's at a party or a friend's house and finds herself in an uncomfortable or inappropriate situation, she doesn't have to find the landline or ask permission to use the phone; she can always call her parents from anywhere, at any time. This is even more valuable in situations where a landline might not be accessible, such as when her car breaks down or she has an accident. For her parents, knowing that their child can easily communicate with them at any time offers peace of mind. Safety: For a teenager, having a cell phone available in emergency situations can make the difference between life and death.A teen who is suspects she is a witness of criminal activity can call 911 on her cell phone. If necessary, she can even make the call without other people being aware by dialing with the phone still in his pocket. Youths have also used cell phones with video and phone capability to record criminal events, making them into reporters and helping police identify criminals and observe exact events in a crime. Engagement and Education: Cell phones have also been leveraged as an important tool for youth engagement, especially in developing countries a nd  rural areas.In places where youth are less likely to have access to the Internet or landline phones, cell phones are becoming a way for them to connect with the global world and give their opinions on issues that affect them. For example, a radio program in Burundi in 2009 allowed marginalized rural youth to share their opinions on public policy questions, using cell phones to call in to the radio show. Some teachers and campuses are beginning to take advantage of the educational potential of cell phones.On some college campuses, students can organize their schedules and take quizzes through their phones. Some high schools take advantage of educational games for cell phones. Educators can also teach students how to use their phones as research tools, which encourages youth to take more initiative in their own learning. With these numerous benefit, another question that comes to mind is: Will some children be excluded from these opportunities while others live in an increasingl y information-rich environment?In a developing country like ours, advances in ICTs have brought a lot of opportunities and perhaps a whole lot of challenges as well. One of the main challenges is the gap between the information have-s and information have-nots -what we call the digital divide. Not every family and child has access to computers, the Internet and interactive media. Persistent differences across socio-economic and ethnic lines have rightly generated an important public policy debate about possible implications and solutions to this inequality.Major challenges faced in the path towards digital opportunity include poverty, illiteracy, political instability, and poor ICT infrastructure. In closing the â€Å"digital divide† , NITDA has since the past five years, set up Many RITCs (Rural Information Technology Centres) in the six geo-political zones to provides a range of services – education and communication facilities so that underprivileged children, with or without any planned instructional intervention, can achieved a certain level of computer literacy.As expected there has been a remarkable feature among the users, particularly with the young ones, of these centres. Will the growing importance of the media add to the variety and pleasure in their lives, or will it contribute to their withdrawal from traditional leisure activities and even from social participation? The Internet cannot and should not replace human interaction or relationships, nor take the place of activities such as sharing verbal conversations with our children or reading together.However, if properly used, the Internet can serve as a medium for acceptable social interaction. The Internet allows children to socialize with other children through the use of email, chat rooms, and instant messaging, increasing the development of communication and social skills. As children use the Internet to connect with places around the world and exchange mail with electronic pen pals, they are able to share different cultures and traditions. Often the use of Internet in classrooms allows the children to work together, encouraging the sharing of ideas and cooperative learning.Students that find conventional methods of learning difficult will frequently find learning via the Internet to be fun. From this positive experience these children improve their attitudes about learning while enhancing their curiosity and self-concept. Many parents whose children use the Internet in school believe that the Internet has improved their child’s overall attitude toward school. â€Å"Education is also the single most common motivation parents cite for their children to use the Internet from home. The Internet allows children to actively participate in an independent learning environment.Children can use it to find inspiration, stimulate the imagination, explore the world and gain new experiences. The process is known as play. Play has its own pursuit of amusement, competition, and companionship – all which can be fulfilled on the Internet. Though it is no true replacement for physical social play, the Internet offers uniques alternatives, which are especially important for those that are physically disabled and unable to engage in physical play. The Internet today is part of our children’s natural environment.When kids are online, they’re reading, thinking, analyzing, criticizing and authenticating – composing their thoughts. Kids use computers for activities that go hand-in-hand with our understanding of what constitutes a traditional childhood. They use the technology to play, learn, communicate and form relationships as children always have. Truly, the Internet has become a daily part of many children’s lives. It is little wonder that it has such a pervasive effect on their social development. Internet Safety A wide range of potentially negative effects of new media have been identified.These include effe cts relating to: Violent content – including imitation (in the form of aggression or antisocial behavior), desensitization and fear †¢ Sexual content – including imitation (in the form of promiscuous or unsafe practices), arousal, and shock or disgust Advertising – in relation to misleading claims, as well as consumerist or materialistic attitudes more broadly Inappropriate or unwanted contact with others – for example in the form of ‘stranger danger’ or bullying †¢ Health – for example to do with smoking, alcohol and drug-taking †¢ General personality disorders, such as low self-esteem, ‘identity confusion’ or alienation †¢ Physical effects of excessive use – for example RSI-type conditions and eyesight problems relating to computers †¢ Reduced time for family interaction, or relationships with peers†¢ Reduced levels of educational achievement, or reading more specifically †¢ Mist aken values, attitudes or beliefs – for example in relation to gender or ethnic stereotyping. In addition, children are exposed to insults and inappropriate language. The Internet Child Safety Foundation has worked out some safety tips which are as follows: Keep the computer in the living room Listen to your kids and get involved Make some simple rules Consider parental control software Use filtered search engine Check website rating At this point, I must mention that Parental attitudes play a large role in determining what children watch.Parents who believed that TV was beneficial to children were more likely to choose educational programs for their children. By contrast, parents who have not had opportunities for higher education are more likely to allow their children to watch what they want, and have the television on more during the day. Also, when searching for information, youngsters could be encouraged to use child safe search engines. Parents need to educate their ch ildren. They need to sit with the child and help regulate his or her Net routine right from the very first time. This could help prevent addiction. Safe websites for Children http://fss. live. com/kids/Microsoft family safety and child friendly websites http://www. surfnetkids.com/Educational activities for your family or students, this is the place to be and for educators interested in integrating technology into their curriculum. http://www. crime-safety-security. com/Learn lifesaving lessons from 22 years of research and experience teaching countless children’s groups, college students, civic groups, corporations, rape survivors, and veteran cops at police academies – dozens of original insights you've never imagined and will find nowhere else http://www. allsafesites. com/Safe browser for children and teens http://www. kidsites. com/Great series of educational resources, games and fun stuff for children, parents and Teaches www. topmarks. co. ukWell designed and go od fun reference site for all those homework queries. www. askkids.com Safe search engine for children. www. need2know. co. uk Sound, straightforward and well-judged advice for children and teenagers. www. howstuffworks. com Engaging encyclopaedia of the modern (and not so modern) world, with good illustrations and clear text. www. habbo. co. uk Social networking for teens. www. friction. tv A You Tube-style site for campaigners. Make a short video and get your message across. www. mrmen. com Videos, games, stories and more from 24 of Roger Hargreaves' unbeatable creations.www. nick. com Play games, share your avatar, download screensavers and catch up on your favourite cartoon characters at the Mecca of TV cartoondom. Plus Nick Junior (www.  nickjr. co. uk), customised for pre-schoolers. www. seussville. com A gentle celebration of all things Cat In The Hat. switchzoo. com/zoo. htm From a calligator to a dogophant, create crazy new animals online. www. guinnessworldrecords. com S earchable database of record-breaking feats – but only some, of course, they still want you to buy the book. www. innocentkids. co. uk Great series of games and activities from the smoothies people. Match the animal with its poo is particularly engaging. www. cool-reads. co. uk Ten- to 15-year-olds pick and review their favourite books. More than 2,000 entries and growing. www. travellingwithchildren. co.ukTips, products and destinations for taking the little darlings on the road. http://www. commonsensemedia. org/website-listsGreat websites for kids with easy hand-picked lists of fun, age-appropriate kids' sites and online games. SAFE SEARCH ENGINES FOR CHILDREN www. studysearch. com. au/Home. aspx Its one of the mostly used customizable Search Engine used at Australian schools and it is Google Powered. This is developed by keeping the Primary and Secondary school students in mind. This is the safest Search Engine and best suggestible for Parents for make their kids use it. kids. yahoo. comEngine that directs to the Yahoo Directory and its the most suggestible Search Engine for Kids.Its one of the most attractive search engines that keeps you child to engage with it easily. www. askkids. comSearch Engine from Ask. com specially developed for Kids and it provides the results from Ask Directory. It provides the 5 different categories like Movies, Videos, Schoolhouse, Games, and Images with entire clean and tidy results www. kidrex. orgGoogle Search powered Search Engine for kids with interface design developed with child crayon drawing. Its completely a kids Search Engine. Popular Television Programs and DVD Series for Young Children Barney & FriendsEvoking a preschool setting, Barney the dinosaur teaches songs and dances to young children.The show focuses heavily on pro-social themes of sharing, empathizing, helping others, and cooperating. Blue’s CluesA human host encourages viewers at home to help solve a mystery with his dog friend, Blue. The show is often repetitive and encourages interactivity by asking viewers to find clues and solve puzzles. Bob the BuilderBob the Builder and his construction crew face building, renovation, and repair challenges. The series often focuses on identifying a problem and making a plan to solve the problem. Dora the ExplorerFeaturing a bilingual Latina girl as the lead, Dora and her friends go on quests and help others, encouraging viewers to help out through their own actions or by telling her what she needs to know.In addition to highlighting traditional educational content such as color and shapes, Dora teaches language by repeating words and phrases in English and Spanish. Sesame StreetCombining puppetry, live action, and animation, this long-running series focuses on a wide range of topics including the alphabet, numbers, emotion management, conflict resolution, music, dance, and healthy lifestyles. TeletubbiesCentering on four colorful characters, the Teletubbies speak in a baby-like language and learn through play. The Teletubbies have televisions in their stomachs that show clips of real children from around the world. This program is targeted at toddlers.Thomas & FriendsBased on a book series, Thomas the Tank Engine and his engine friends learn to work hard and be cooperative with each other. The WigglesFeaturing a four-man singing group for children, episodes of The Wiggles include songs and skits focused on solving a problem. The Wiggles encourages children to sing songs and move their bodies to music. Baby EinsteinSeries content covers wide range of topics including music, art, language, poetry, and science. Targeted at children starting at one month. Brainy BabyEducational series highlighting range of subjects including alphabet, art, music, shapes, foreign languages, and right and left brain development. Targeted at children starting at nine months.Sesame BeginningsFeatures baby versions of the Muppets from Sesame Street. The focus is on encouraging int eractions between child and caregivers. Targeted at children starting at six months. In conclusion, the internet is an amazing tool for learning and formation. Knowing how to use it effectively is increasingly important and necessary. Providing children more direct access to multimedia equipment and Information Communication Technology (ICT), could provide them with new opportunities to explore their own creative imagination. In seeking to prevent negative effects, it is important to ensure that we do not also undermine or preclude the potential for positive effects.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Second paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Second paper - Essay Example Baker succinctly elucidates on the favorable commitment that should be used by a family to ensure their family member is of sound health (Baker and Buchanan-Barker, 2005). Therefore, the paper will give the initial commitments that are involved during family integration, in accordance to the Baker theory (Baker and Buchanan-Barker, 2005). This means that there are various steps that are used by a family in ensuring their close family member is responding positively to treatment. In the end, the family will appreciate positive results as the affected person will have a positive reaction to treatment. Though the affected person may not be fully reverted to normal health, he or she will be in a positive mode when there is increased positive reaction from the family members. This reflects on the positivity of using family integration in treatment of mentally retarded people in the family. Belief and Metaparadigms In Baker’s perspective, there is a belief that nursing is a professi on that denotes people with a caring notion and have responsibility of the patients in their midst. Baker states that, nursing ensures that there is an amicable solution to the illness or disease, reflecting a healing to the affected person. ... There is no need to pay the family for the services that are offered. In addition to this, this theory refers to the positivity of the inception of the practice. The negative side is not considered as it may affect the use of the process. Since time immemorial, the tidal theory has been used and records plausible results, hence the reliance on the theory. Personal philosophy Baker states that development in the current world strongly depends on evidence-based treatment. The mental health is a considerable focal point that should be treated with evidence based treatment (Baker and Buchanan-Barker, 2005). Continuous reflection on the mental health of a person is therefore a guarantee to sound health. According to Baker, the family is the basic group in a community that has close relationship to each other. The family is the basic interaction that involves people with a connection, as either in blood or adoption. Therefore, they are in the best point of having a close connection to each other. This is partially due to the blood and other connection. However, the family becomes a basic interaction as the people are in a daily basis of connecting to each other (Rose-Ackerman, 1982). In essence, the family spends most of their time bonding with each other. This involves sharing meals, playing together and teaching each other mannerisms. This philosophy makes each of the families connected in most of their activities. This calls for a caring and responsible family unit that will give the best treatment to all the family members, though there could be absence of any disease. In recent times, philosophy dictates that families are a growing unit, as the

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

RC time constant of a capacitor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

RC time constant of a capacitor - Essay Example At the same time that happens, the upper plate receives electrons making it of a positive charge (Platt). This process is not instantaneous; it takes time. At the beginning, current is high and begins to decrease as charge accumulates on the plates. At the beginning there is no voltage across capacitor but increases as charging continuous. capacitor voltage Vc, increases towards Vb but asymptotically. During the charging and discharging process, exponential laws as below are adhered to Using the requirements provided the circuit was connected as shown above using a 470Â µF and 80,000á ½ ¨ resistor. Measurements using the multi-meter was taken for time intervals of 10seconds. The results of Vc, Vemf-Vc, Ln(Vemf – Vc/Vemf) were recorded in a table 1. At this moment the capacitor was fully charged. The value of voltage across V0 was recorded. The second part of the experiment began by undoing the switch from each procedure above and the timing process was done and table 2 was filled with relevant data Vc, Ln(Vc/V0), and time in table 2. Logger pro was opened and voltage adjusted to zero. Time constant was set to 150seconds. Capacitor was recharged holding the voltage probe across capacitor. Switch was flipped to B and hit collect on logger pro. Natural exponent function was selected on the logger pro. Data obtained was then recorded. The practical objective were met and the practical was successful. Data used for calculation was obtained from finding the average of the data obtained from trials 1 and 2. When a capacitor is connected to a battery, it charges and the rate at which it happens is dependent on the time constant. By opening the switch, the capacitor discharges. The theoretical value of the time constant differ from the practical value obtained after plotting the graph, finding gradient and calculating for time constant. This is due to human measurement errors, faulty components, and faulty meters. Timing in this experiment is the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Paradox of Thrift Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Paradox of Thrift - Essay Example As an individual, saving raises the individual's wealth. But a greater desire to save in the 'whole population' may not increase national wealth. This paradox is often known as the "paradox of thrift" as Keynesian developed it. [2] [7] [12] The paradox of Thrift arises in large part from a basic difference in the effect of saving by an individual and the effect of saving by the whole economic system. Individuals do correctly recognize that saving adds to their monetary wealth. But they fail to see that their act of saving may reduce someone else's monetary wealth. For the economy to prosper as a whole, the way for wealth to rise is through regular investment in plant, equipment and other durables. An act of personal saving makes an individual wealthier, but it will only add to social wealth if the act raises money for current investment. Since it cannot be predicted that regular investment will occur, this can be a source of worry. If an increased desire to save does not generate investment and the creation of social wealth, the standard analysis of saving can lead to incorrect predictions and misleading policy advice. [2] [6] [12] Initially the saving and investment functions are at equilibrium as shown in the graph above. But when the people decide to save, the point of equilibrium changes to the new point where there is more investment as a result of lower interest rates. So according to this theory, a penny saved must necessar... Since additional saving results in lower spending by the saver, the saver lowers someone else's incomes. Looking at the example below can better explain this scenario. Example A person buys everything and spends all his income, $5000, in a specific shop. One day he decides that he cannot spend anymore and saves the money for his children's education. He raises the saving by $5,000 by reduce his spending of an equivalent amount. Although he gets his saving, he involuntarily lowers the sales and income of the shop keeper that had sold goods and services to him. It was not his intention to lower anyone's income, but it is the inevitable result of his decision to save. Those whose incomes fall cannot accumulate personal wealth in the way that they planned; they become, in a sense, the victims of other peoples' saving: their saving falls as the result of increase in saving by others. The shop keeper who receives less income will save less. If that shopkeeper who suffered the $5,000 decline in income keeps his spending exactly the same after his income drop as he did before then his saving must fall by $5,000. Therefore total saving in society will not increase at all, even though the one saves $5,000 more. His voluntary choice to save more forced involuntary adjustments on the shopkeeper that reduced his saving by an offsetting amount. Of course, the shopkeeper who suffered the income reduction may not absorb the entire reduction of his wealth with lower saving. He might also reduce his spending to adjust to lower income, but this action spreads the problem and somewhere down the line some other shop keeper makes up for the decline of $5000. The economy will not reach equilibrium between saving and spending until one or more shopkeepers in the economy have

Monday, August 26, 2019

7.9 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

7.9 - Case Study Example Industry Analysis is necessary as industries performance vary differently (Dash 138). And the main purpose of industry analysis is to analyze the market and economic forces that affect an industry’s profit potential (Bensoussan and Fleisher 95). Planet Intra is led by an international team of professionally qualified and experienced group of people with backgrounds in consulting, technology, international management and customer relationship management (CRM). They are the real strength of the company and they have been able to ensure uninterrupted successful journey of the company. The company operates globally. Planet Intra has established four offices across the world. The offices in Tokyo, London, and Windsor and Mountain View locations are the main channels to fulfill the global demand of EIP solutions and services. Value Added Resellers (VARs) are consulting firms and other system integrators who work as channel partners. They have contacts within the industry with the large corporations and SMEs and they are main source of revenues for the company as well. The heavy reliance of VARs may affect revenue stream. Currently, the VARs are charging 40 percent commission on per referral and there is no assurance that they continue with the current level of commission or they may increase their commission demand. The implications of this business relationship are that the VARs may require 60 percent commission on per referral and this would directly affect revenue and profit of the company. The company may focus on the non-cyclical or traditional industries. The industries such as oil and gas, health care and service sector may be considered as potential clients for the company. The chances of demand reduction in such sectors are marginal and the companies prefer to invest in their technology-intensive and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Casual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Casual Analysis - Essay Example The problem of obesity especially in American South highly relates to the daily lifestyles of people both socially and economically. Hence, the study will focus on the causative analysis on the increase percentage of obesity problem among the American South. Poverty is one of the causative factors of obesity among people living in the American South states. Poverty has a great relationship with the likelihood of a person becoming obese. This is because the poor people mainly focus on eating cheap affordable food despite the food being of low nutritional value and high fat content (Trust for American Health Web). Moreover, most food spots in American South states sell high fat and processed foods. Since such types of food are cheaper as to healthy food budget, most poor families in the South prefer buying fatty foods. Notably, the daily unhealthy consumption of fatty foods increase the fat deposit in the body that may lead to obesity, Lack of exercise significantly contributes to the level of obesity among children and adults in the American South. Remarkably, the low economic standards, most families lead working extra time to meet the daily requirements in the family hence giving the breadwinner almost no time to spend in physical exercises. Moreover, the limited space and playground for children in some of the American South state may also be a contributing factor to lack of exercise among children and adult. Additionally, children from poor families are likely not to participate in organized sports because of lack of funds to cater for transport and expenses incurred during the sporting period. Thus, the unattractiveness of a playground, lack of space and strained budget may lead to lack of exercise among American South people contributing to obesity. Bad eating habits also contribute to the trend of obesity problems experienced in America. Today, people prefer consume sugar-sweetened beverages, food with high calorie density, and processed and fried foods t o healthy food (Trust for American Health Web). This is because most healthy foods are more expensive and less accessible in most food stalls. Therefore, studies indicate that most of American consumes twice the amount of calories daily than the body require. Thus, this poses a threat to getting health related diseases like obesity. Moreover, overeating is an eating disorder that may lead to obesity. For instance, eating too much of carbohydrates and fatty food pose a risk to a person developing obesity complications faster than a person who takes a balanced diet. Therefore, eating disorders may be a contributing factor to obesity trend in most American South states. Genetics is another causative factor that may lead to high rate of obesity problem in American South people. Research has indicated that obesity could be inherent in family because of the functionality of gene deposition. American Association for the Advancement of Science postulates that when two parents are obese, the child is six times likely to become obese and if one parent is obese, there is a double chance for the child to be obese (22). Moreover, most babies born with weight above ten pounds are twice likely to become overweight when growing up. Thus, such statistics could explain on the increased trend of highest obesity conditions in American South states. Since research indicated that more than 50% of the American S

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Persuasion on Technology Adaption Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Persuasion on Technology Adaption - Essay Example Desktops are believed to provide comfort to the user with the fact that one can acquire the keyboard, mouse and other devices to attach to it easily. Laptops provide better comfort since one can use them even while lying down. Unlike desktops, the laptops do not need extra space for the mouse. Even while lying down at home an employee can still complete the work given to avoid the overloads that come with keeping work for a long time. One can purchase a laptop that suits their needs and not necessarily accepting it the way it comes. Desktops require that one sits in an upright position to be able to use them efficiently. The employees are better off with the laptops that can suit their work. Employees with simple tasks can have those with less RAM while those with big workloads can get the sophisticated ones. Desktops can be put in specific places for use and may not frequently be moved to avoid them from being spoilt. According to Stam, Stanton, and Guzman (2006), laptops are mobile and in case a desktop or laptop that is being used for printing or scanning fails. Besides, laptops give a wider range of options in case there is a problem in the office. The desktops in office do not give alternatives when there is a fault in any of them. Most of the times employees have no choice when a desktop fails, and an urgent task is supposed to be performed yet there is no laptop in the office. The employees should be provided with laptops to avoid the mishaps that come with faulty desktops.

Friday, August 23, 2019

The dialog between jonathan cullers essay and to the light house

The dialog between jonathan cullers and to the light house - Essay Example Stream of consciousness is the technique used by Woolf to explore the thought processes of the characters. However, Woolf does not employ it in the fragmented prose form that is identified with James Joyce. Instead she brings order within the disorderly working of individual consciousness by making her prose lyrical. Through apt and vivid imagery, Woolf is able to knit together the disjointed thoughts of several of the novel’s characters into a unifying whole. What emerge through this exercise are themes of human loneliness, insecurity, loss, anguish and longing. But the overall experience of the novel is far from tragic. To the contrary, the reader is taken on an intimate journey into the most personal and most inaccessible reaches of the character’s inner churnings. A successful cathartic effect is experienced by the reader through the linguistic virtuosity of Woolf. â€Å"Literariness is often said to lie above all in the organization of language that makes literature distinguishable from language used for other purposes. Literature is language that ‘foregrounds’ language itself: makes it strange, thrusts it at you – ‘Look I’m language!’ – so you can’t forget that you are dealing with language shaped in odd ways.† (p.28) Woolf’s prose style is exemplary in achieving this form of foregrounding. She accomplishes this through various stylistic and thematic features. Through lyrical exposition of inner monologues, Woolf deliberates on subjects as profound as ‘the meaning of life. The foregrounding of language in general and English in particular is evident from how it is made the only possible medium of communication. Moreover, one can see how the literary form of the novel itself is foreground even if not intended by the author. For example, the following is an illustration of a stream of consciousness which only works on

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Evolution of reading and writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evolution of reading and writing - Essay Example It is factual that ancient periods were characterized by people who had no knowledge regarding reading and writing. It was a state of utter ignorance where nobody ever pictured the development of the highly sophisticated forms of reading and writing. As such, the advancements realized today are a product of continuous and new developments that have lasted for more than a thousand years. The nature of reading and writing differs from one geographical location or society to the other. However, it is worth noting that there are some fundamental steps that have characterized all these developments. For instance, in the earlier days, convectional signs or pictures is what was used to express ideas. This however changed over time and was replaced by phonetic writing. Later development gave way to syllabic writing before alphabetic writing eventually took over (Schmandt-Besserat 43). The origin of writing and thus consequent evolution cannot be traced back to one particular place. Instead, historical studies indicate independent emergence of these skills in different regions of the world. Some studies suggest the Egyptians and Sumerians as the first people who developed the writing skills. Despite of the variability, the researchers noted that Sumerian writing depicted Egyptian influence and vice versa. This study further suggests the need to document their agricultural data as the drive behind this development. In addition, other factors such as need to annotate dealing in trade activities and government taxes were significant in influencing the development of reading and writing. The early records from Syria show the use of clay tokens which were shaped differently to represent agricultural products. In this case, each shape indicated different products and further marks were added to provide further means of distinguishing products of the same kind. This system went on for some long period before being replaced with three dimensional hollow balls. This also never l asted long as they were small and handier to use and so they were substituted with two-dimensional tablets at around 3100 BC curved to represent the products. This was also cumbersome since it required one to curve as many drawings as the number of products were (Martin 66). Further Advancement simplified the whole process by allowing individuals to only specify first the number and then indicate the object. This marked the inception of scribes who kept record of units inform of lines drawn using the stylus tip and tens by pressing the stylus bottom on a tablet. The shape of the product counted followed this. For instance in a case of 43 amphorae, one would indicate: OOOOIII followed by only one amphorae shape. This was another significant step forward and was made even better as new system allowed different signs to indicate goods and numbers (Schmandt-Besserat 34). In around 300BC another development in writing and reading skill realized the introduction of new sings that drifted from indicating the usual objects to indicate sound also called phonograms. This was a reaction to the growing need to solve the problem related to writing names of persons. Cuneiform derives its name from the idea that it used signs that were similar to small wedges. In this form of writing agricultural goods and domestic animals were drawn using conventional signs while wild animals drawing conformed to the distinctive characteristics of each animal. However, a problem

Evaluation - produce proposals for the possible re-branding of my school Essay Example for Free

Evaluation produce proposals for the possible re-branding of my school Essay My design brief was to produce proposals for the possible re-branding of my school. When doing this I researched what the faculties wanted and needed and so I designed a questionnaire to gather the information I required. I also researched different graphic designers, their work and various design movements throughout history such as Abram Games who is a British mid-twentieth century designer and official war artist during world war two. His style of design is very patriotic as in most of his work he uses red, white and blue; the colours of the union jack. He incorporates them very well and subtlety. I like his work because its very classic, memorable and simple. His work is landmark. I did this because it gave me inspiration, an influence and it offered a look at how previous designers worked. I did web searches on the images connected to different faculties and just asked people what images came to mind when I said a faculty name this provided me with many logo ideas. In addition I looked at existing logo designs in books wherein designers explored many different techniques, which I could use in my designs. I had many specifications that determined what my final design would look like. * Such as my target group, which was the staff, pupils and parents because of this I had to select designs that satisfy and do not displease them. * In my specification I had a running theme or image that I worked around; a smart, scholastic, classic yet modern image and I tried to portray this in my designs. I had a variety of different design ideas and when deciding on my final design I had many factors, which would govern what I would choose. For example how complicated the designs were, or how much colour was used. Such as when I had a large design dominated by black, I could not use this because of the expenses and issues that may arise with such a vast amount of ink. I dont think I did much planning that ensured success and a quality product but I did research different colours on the colour wheel and their effects and what they represent. In this project I dont think I used many new tools or materials however I did use Photoshop, Microsoft Publisher, Paint, the internet, printers, scanners and general sketching that was stressed as important by my teacher and did prove so. I did not fully answer my design brief as I was not on schedule but I did produce some sort of proposal. I have not shown my logo to the head of faculty but overall I feel it is a strong and bold logo, which is pleasing to the eye. The considerations I had were.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Gene Therapy and Genetic Engineering for Curing Disorders

Gene Therapy and Genetic Engineering for Curing Disorders Introduction Now a days Gene therapy is a well known process of treatment of various genetic and other chronic diseases whereas, most of the drugs and vaccines have been discovered till now for almost all the kinds of diseases but still some of the diseases like cancer and AIDS are incurable. Hence, Gene therapy is seeking all the attention and is much beneficial. As gene therapy is the technique that deals with the treatment or the prevention of various diseases. Besides this, Genetic Engineering is another technique which is quite useful for designing, editing or creating a manual recombinant for the sake of getting a better trait, character or expression in the desired species i.e, recombinant insulin production in bacteria. Instead of growing human insulin in bacteria. Genetic engineering could theoretically be used to introduce the insulin gene into human cells that do not possess a functional copy. (That would still not cure diabetes unless these cells were also capable of appropriately increasing or decreasing their output of insulin according to conditions.) This type of genetic engineering is called gene therapy, the introduction of genetically engineered cells into an individual for therapeutic purposes. Three general requirements for gene therapy, first presented in 1980 should be shown in animal studies that; The new gene can be put into the correct target cells and will remain there long enough to be effective The new gene will be expressed in the cells at an appropriate level The new gene will not harm the cell or, by extension, the animal. These three requisites, summarized as delivery, expression, and safety, will each be examined in turn. These criteria are very similar to those required prior to the use of any new drug, therapeutic procedure, or surgical operation. The requirements simply state that the new treatment should get to the area of disease, correct it, and do more good than harm. Some flexibility is necessary since the criteria might be altered for a critically ill patient for whom no further conventional therapy is available. The exact definitions of what is long enough to be effective, what level is an appropriate level, and how much harm is meant by harm, are questions for ongoing discussion as more is learned about gene therapy. Ultimately, local Institutional Review Boards and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the latter through its newly created Working Group on Human Gene Therapy, must decide if a given protocol is ready for human application. Once the criteria are satisfied, that is, when the probable benefits for the patient are expected to exceed the possible risks, then attempts to cure h uman genetic disease by treatment with somatic cell gene therapy would be ethical. The goal of biomedical research is, and has always been, to alleviate human suffering. Gene therapy is a proper and logical part of that effort. (Anderson and Fletcher, 2010) Many diseases are genetically determined; for example, Huntington’s disease and cystic fibrosis (CF). Others are influenced by genes, but involve additional factors as well; for example, cancer and diabetes mellitus. Recent scientific developments make it possible for medicine to target such genetically related diseases at the molecular level, and thus offer the prospects of effective new therapies. The genes of somatic cells can be manipulated to modify a disease in an individual. If genes in germ cells are modified, a genetic disease may be prevented in progeny as well. In this essay, we will consider some of the scientific, social, and ethical issues associated with such genetic therapies. (Robert George, 2008) Genetic engineering is any process in which an organism’s genome is intentionally altered. Genetic engineering does not encompass traditional breeding techniques because it requires manipulation of an organism’s genes through cloning or transformation via the addition of foreign DNA. This process has five steps: Isolation of the genes Insertion of those genes into a transfer vector (a virus or a plasmid used as a conduit) Transfer of the vector to the organism to be modified Transformation of that organism’s cells Separation of the genetically modified organism (GMO) from organisms that have not been successfully modified. (Kathy, 2010) Genetic engineering is the direct alteration of individual genotypes. It is also called recombinant DNA technology or gene splicing, terms which are used interchangeably. Human genes can be inserted into human cells for therapeutic purposes. In addition, because all species carry their genetic information in DNA and use the same genetic code, genes can be moved from one species to another. (Pratik, 2007) Despite the everyday progresses of medicine solutions for human health, today cancer is still one of the biggest challenges for humanity. Thanks to the advancements in prevention and in treatment, the survival rate has been improved in the last few years. However, cancer remains one of the main causes of death worldwide with 8.2 million of death occurred in 2012. It is estimated that by 2020, there will be between 15 and 17 million new cases of cancer every year, 60% of which will be in developing countries. In economical developed countries the burden of cancer is a result of population aging and growth as well as an increasing adoption of cancer-associated lifestyle choices including smoking, physical inactivity, and ‘‘westernized’’ diets. Cancer, as definition, is the uncontrolled growth of cells that can occur in any type of tissue and, at the late stage, these cells lose their adhesion capacities and migrate to healthy tissues. Other than surgical treat ment, the different options are all based on a mechanical or pharmacological killing action against cancer cells, possibly avoiding the side effect damages of healthy cells. (Marco et al, 2015) Nanotechnology is one of the best promises to attack cancer cells more specifically, effectively and to reduce undesired side effects. In other terms, nanotechnology can be used to transport drugs to a specific site using specific keys such as antibodies. Moreover, in the context of developing innovative theranostics, nanomaterials could be used for imaging as a diagnostic tool and, at the same time, to stimulate and control the release of drugs in the cancer site. In the recent years numerous nanomaterials have been explored for potential theranostic applications for cancer therapy thanks to their properties. Compared to traditional molecular contrast agents or drugs, nanomaterials can be engineered to improve and integrate multiple functions in a single system also to give the control of drugs release, being of hope for the building of a next generation of anticancer tools i.e, Graphene. (Shanmugam, 2014) Materials and Methods Gene therapy is defined as â€Å"the treatment or prevention of disease by gene transfer† and involves the genetic modification of human cells by introducing one or more new genes. There are two types of gene therapy somatic and germ line: †¢ Somatic cell gene therapy involves the genetic modification of any cells in a patient’s body apart from the reproductive cells (egg and sperm). The intention is to confine changes to the individual being treated and the parts of the body where the illness is experienced (such as the lungs with cystic fibrosis) so the genetic alteration should not be passed on to the patient’s children. Somatic cell gene therapy is the only form that is permitted in this country. †¢ Germ line gene therapy involves genetically modifying a fertilised egg and therefore will affect not only the individual that develops from it, but also their offspring and successive generations. Because no actual therapy of an individual is involved, it is more accurately called germ line gene transfer. Although germ line genetic modification of plants and animals is now commonplace, germ line genetic modification of humans is currently banned in this country. This is in line with an existing world-wide consensus that such techniques should not be allowed because of the serious ethical and health implications of modifying the human germ line. (Mountain, 2000) In vivo is the working on germ line gene therapy within an organism. In vitro is related to the somatic cell gene therapy outside the organism i.e, in Lab. Restriction Enzymes Restriction enzymes are enzymes used to cut DNA at specific sites. There are several hundred restriction enzymes currently known and each cuts DNA at a different nucleotide sequence; these target sites are generally about four to eight nucleotides long. Each of these restriction enzymes is a normal product of a particular bacterial species, and most are named after the bacteria from which they are derived. Each species’ restriction enzyme cuts the DNA from other species, but not its own, because its own DNA does not contain the nucleotide sequence that is the target site for its own enzyme. (Pratik, 2007) Methods of DNA transfer Various methods of DNA or gene transfer are as follows; (Sukharev, 2010) Human Gene Therapy At present, the only human tissue that can be used effectively for gene transfer is bone marrow. No other cells (except, perhaps, skin cells) can be extracted from the body, grown in culture to allow insertion of exogenous genes, and then successfully reimplanted into the patient from whom the tissue was taken. In the future, as more is learned about how to package the DNA and to make it tissuespecific, the intravenous route would be the simplest and most desirable. However, attempting to give a foreign gene by injection directly into the bloodstream is not advisable with our present state of knowledge since the procedure would be enormously inefficient and there would be little control over the DNAs fate. Studies are considerably more advanced with bone. Patients with serious genetic diseases have little other hope at present for alleviation of their medical problems. Arguments that genetic engineering might someday be misused do not justify the needless perpetuation of human suffering that would result from an unnecessary delay in the clinical application of this potentially powerful therapeutic procedure. (Anderson and Fletcher, 2010) Arguments against Human Germ line Gene Therapy The ethical arguments against the use of a human germline gene therapy fall into three categories: Potential clinical risks The broader concern of changing the gene pool, genetic inheritance of the human population Social dangers. Ethical Issues Results In recent years, a variety of techniques have been developed to identify genes associated with specific diseases. Since 1990, when the first protocols for gene therapy were approved, over 100 new research protocols have been initiated for a variety of diseases, In the case of somatic cell therapies, the nature of a particular disease and other factors determine the specific cells targeted for genetic manipulation. Target cells have included lung, liver, white blood, endothelial, and cancer cells. All research to date has involved somatic cells, and the techniques used make improbable the spread of altered genes to germ cells. However, it seems likely that we will ultimately be able to alter the genes of germ cells, so that whatever changes are made are passed on to the subjects’ progeny. In current therapies (all of which are somatic cell), vectors are used to introduce new genetic material into target cells. Vectors are agents to which new genetic material is attached. A lot of betterment and efficiency have been observed by the implementation of the methods of gene therapy in curing disorders. Hence, gene therapy along with the genetic engineering plays an important role in the health care of human as well besides the animals and plants. The point is, it is just taken under a limitation by some of the organizations regarding to some ethical issues otherwise it is the futute treatment of all the diseases. Conclusions Gene therapy not only brings the prospect of treatments for previously untreatable illnesses, it may also enable the prevention of certain diseases through the correction of genetic disorders. However, it is clear from gene therapy under development that, in the short to medium term, most gene therapy will not be used for prevention but for developing more effective ‘genebased’ treatments for cancer and AIDS. Although gene therapy has been heralded as a major breakthrough in medical science, it also carries the potential for abuse and for commercial imperatives, not human need, to drive its progress. The demands of industry in maintaining investor confidence may increase the dangers to patients through secrecy and poor supervision. Placing too much emphasis on genes as the determining factor in health and disease may lead to prolongation of suffering as a result of other underlying causes being neglected. It may also give rise to new insidious practices of genetic discrimination in areas such as employment, insurance and health care. Avoiding the pitfalls whilst reaping the benefits of gene therapy is the challenge for politicians and regulators. Crucially, society must not be overcome by ‘genetic determinism’ or ‘genetic thinking’ and the hype of the biotechnology companies if health care issues are to be addressed effectively. References Sade RM, Khushf G., 2008, Gene therapy: Ethical and social issues, Carolina Med Assoc. 94(9):406-410. Kathy Wilson P., 2010, Biotechnology and genetic engineering, pg.12 Pratik Satya, 2007, Genetic Engineering and genomics, pg.95-122. Mountain A., 2000, Human Gene Therapy: A cure for all ills, Tibtech, 18: 119-128. Anderson and Fletcher, 2010, human Gene Therapy, Scientific and ethical considerations, The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 10:275-291. Marco Orecchioni, Roberto Cabizza, Alberto Bianco and Lucia Gemma Delogu, 2015, Graphene as Cancer Theranostic Tool: Progress and Future Challenges, Theranostics, 5(7): 710-723. Shanmugam V, Selvakumar S, Yeh CS., 2014, Near-infrared light-responsive nanomaterials in cancer therapeutics, Chemical Society reviews; 43: 6254-87. Sukharev, SI, Klenchin, VA, Serov, SM, Chernomordik, LV Chizmadzhev, YA., 2010, Electroporation and electrophoretic DNA transfer into cells. The effect of DNA interaction with electropores. Biophys, 63 (5):1320-1327.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Nick’s Psychological Development in Ernest Hemingway’s In Our Time Es

Nick’s Psychological Development in Ernest Hemingway’s "In Our Time"   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Hemingway’s collection of short stories, In Our Time, we follow a character by the name of Nick Adams. We are introduced to Nick in â€Å"Indian Camp† as a young boy, and follow him to adulthood in both Parts I and II of â€Å"Big Two-Hearted River†. Through this we see Nick develop and learn about some major facts of life. Nick is a character who changes through the effects of war on many different levels. Although Hemingway hardly mentions the war, he uses the stories to express different effects and emotions caused by the war.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In â€Å"Indian Camp† we meet Nick as he joins his father to help a pregnant Indian woman in labor. Nick’s father, a doctor, brings him to experience this as a sort of initiation of life. His father wants him to learn about life and wants to teach his son about being a doctor. While doing this, Nick’s father is unconsciously presenting Nick with life while trying to shield him from death. When the Indian man commits suicide, Nick’s father does not want him to see it. A man who commits suicide lacks courage, and that is not something that Nick’s father wants him to learn. Nick’s father did not say much to him about this incident. This strong, silent masculinity reappears throughout these stories. When this happens, Nick’s behavior also changes. Nick quickly refers to his father as â€Å"daddy† instead of â€Å"dad† as he did earlier. He is looking for his father to fix what has happened and comfort him. This tragic incident scars Nick more than even his father understands. Witnessing suicide was too disturbing to Nick at his young age, thus restraining his psychological development. Reacting to this, at the end of the story â€Å"†¦ [Nick] felt quite sure that he would never die† (19). This makes it obvious that although Nick witnessed death first hand, that he still does not fully understand it. Hemingway is introducing the theme of masculinity in the story, and how Nick is going to struggle with this throughout his life. Nick’s father stormed into a typically female situation (giving birth) and turned it into a male-dominated environment. This introduces Nick to prefer a masculine life rather than a feminine life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the story â€Å"The Doctor and the Doctor’s Wife† we briefly see Nick’s family life. All three of the Adams are living in separate worlds. Nick’s mother is... ...h are the two hearts of the big river, making their battle bring them closer together rather than further apart. The reason the two can connect is because they are both male. Even after all that Nick has gone through, he still has not allowed females into his life. He still believes that there can be no unison with women in a masculine life. It is here when it is obvious that regardless of all that he has been through, Nick has still not completely accepted the way traditional society works. He has shut out civilization and has begun the end of his life in solitude.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hemingway used many different emotions in this book to describe what people go through during war. Nick Adams is a character who never really finds peace in society. Instead, he finds contentment in solitude. Had Nick let women into his life and taken a risk of getting hurt, then he might have not spent the rest of his life fishing alone. Nick made the decision that he did not want the domestic life that Marjorie wanted. Now he must spend his days reflecting on his life and the decisions that he made. Whether he is at peace with the decisions he made is questionable, but anything is better than being at war.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Chaucers Parody To Courtly Love Essay -- English Literature Chaucer E

Chaucer's Parody To Courtly Love After the Knight tells his story, the Miller insists very rudely to tell his tale. Chaucer uses the aspect of courtly love which is found in the Knights tale and makes a parody of it; He uses the Miller?s character to mock the Knights idea of courtly love. Miller describes the heroine of his story Alison, as a wife of an older man and also an infidel. She?s compared to a ?wezele? sly and cunning. The description of Alison clearly indicates that she is very different from an innocent girl from courtly love stories instead she?s well aware of her husbands jealousy and wears elaborate cloths to show off her beauty. ?Of col-blak silk, withinne and eek withoute? Alison shows off that she?s rich by wearing the most expensive fabric of silk at the time, again this adds to the opposite side of courtly love romances in which the girl would not show off but in fact stay unaware of such matters as the character of Emily in the Knights tale. Miller then uses two male Characters who show great admiration for Alison but unlike the love ...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Have you met him - Jesus Christ? :: essays research papers

Jesus the Christ is God the Father (that One and only Holy Spirit - God is a Spirit and One) in flesh - the Son of God. It was God the Father who was responsible for overshadowing the virgin Mary and causing her to conceive. So Mary was the source of His humanity and God was the source of His divinity. He became a man but he did not cease to be God the Father of the universe. He could probably best be explained as the God-Man. Sometimes He spoke and acted as a man. Sometimes He spoke and acted as God (the Father). He came to earth to seek and save that which was lost; to minister and to give His life as a ransom - the just for the unjust. He paid the price for our sins. Then He rose from the dead three days later because He was sinless and death could not hold Him. In so doing, He showed us the way to eternal life and how we can get victory over death. He brought life and immortality to light. He offers forgiveness of sins and eternal life (with countless other benefits) to those who will come to Him on His terms seeing He is Lord of all and is the only one who can save us from death - the second death that the Bible speaks of. The grave is only a temporary place. The day is coming when all that are in the grave will hear His voice and come out of the grave to stand before God (Jesus Christ) the Judge of all the earth - a dreadful place for sinful man. We can avoid this judgment by having our sins dealt with while we are yet alive by obeying the gospel which is His plan of salvation for us. It's very important to follow the Bible formula exactly. The devil has come up with alot of variations with the attempt to make the command of God of no effect. Back when the church was born, men were convicted of their sin and asked what they should do when they realized that they had crucified their Saviour some 50 days earlier. The apostle Peter said, Repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Future Of Army Aviation History Essay

Army air power is an of import combat plus for land commanding officers and it is apparent that it will go on to be in high demand into the foreseeable hereafter. From a wide position, they are charged with overarching missions of continued support for the land forces, and at the same clip position itself for the hereafter. The demands will merely go more complex in the modern battleground and we merely can non afford to retain bequest systems, processs and constructions simply because they have existed for decennaries and are familiar. However, integrating of lessons learned will emphasize beyond current capablenesss and beat up the cardinal capablenesss needed to back up land commanding officers without break or debasement to mission capableness.Pasts to Show DevelopmentsThe Gallic were the first to utilize balloons for aerial reconnaissance during conflict in 1794[ 1 ]and so by the Austrian ground forces in 1849.[ 2 ]The roots of Army Aviation can be traced back to 1861 and the fo rmation of the Civil War-era Balloon Corps which pioneered the missions of reconnaissance and heavy weapon staining. The coming of Airpower in the twentieth century revolutionised warfare and it was realised by the land forces that there were excessively many undertakings to be performed in a battleground. British Royal Air force had taken an approximate of 14,678 exposures and helped run heavy weapon on to another 9,539 marks[ 3 ]during World War I itself. Between World War I and World War II, while the Air Forces of the universe were concentrating on increasing capablenesss for what had become their primary missions – strategic bombardment, air-to-air combat and near air support[ 4 ]– the Artillery was experimenting with utilizing smaller, unworldly aircraft for accommodation of heavy weapon fire. These aircraft were flown and maintained by heavy weapon forces to make the same mission as the Balloon Corps of the Civil War.[ 5 ]They were basically light roadster aircraft which could run from short semi-prepared strips and therefore non dependent on prepared tracks. Artillery ranges were relatively limited and hence it was possible to set about heavy weapon staining and fire rectification from an aerial platform winging over enemy district. Anti- aircraft arms and air defense mechanism system were crude. Such aircraft could so of course execute communicating responsibilities and be at the disposal of field commanding officers. Fixed-wing aircraft started to alter with promotion in engineering. Artillery ranges increased and it became apparent that observation even with optical AIDSs was falling out of the scope and outlook, and so did the gait of operations where the majority of heavy weapon pieces could non fit the tally of armored formations.[ 6 ]Besides, indirect fire against conflict armored combat vehicles had proven to be uneffective. In fact, coming of low degree radio detection and ranging coverage besides narrowed the operational envelope of such aircraft. Operationalisation of the rotary wing aircraft brought in the advantage of close contact operations even in confined infinites. For the most portion, United Nations Command during the Korean War fought with World War II arms with one noteworthy exclusion. Helicopters were used non merely for battlefield observation but besides for conveyance of work forces and supplies and emptying of the hurt. There was no more abiding image of the Korean War than a chopper evacuating the hurt and set downing at Mobile Army Surgical Hospital ( MASH ) ) . In crisp contrast, the Chinese and North Korean medical emptying system about collapsed by early 1951 because they relied on route and rail which was delay- prone and immensely clip intensive.[ 7 ] Army choppers were sent to Vietnam to increase mobility and local fire, and better over the construct of keeping inactive defensive places.[ 8 ]The construct of air mobility has, of all time since, remained attractive to ground forcess ‘ universe over. Developments in guided missiles led to the combat function of ground forces from the air including the aspect of air-to-air combat. This was concurrent with supplying foot a platform to run from the 3rd dimension. The kernel in application of force during the 1980s in Afghanistan was heavy trust on aerial warfare, airborne military personnels and extended usage of armed choppers. However, dark and adverse-weather operations were about ne'er attempted, even when air support was severely needed by military personnels in trouble.[ 9 ]They were besides used in concurrence with conventional arms dwelling of armored combat vehicles ( T-72 ) and artillery guns ( 152mm automotive Mortars ) . The experience in Chechnya was slightly different from the erstwhile construct. Helicopters were now progressively being utilised chiefly for non-combat missions[ 10 ]and about 90 per cent of the wounded were evacuated by choppers.[ 11 ]This gave adequate grounds of the built-in potency to put to death combat support operations including medical emptying responsibilities, and combat hunt and deliverance.The Future: Particular Focus and Relevant IssuesWhat has now become Army Aviation was born and derived from an incontrovertible demand in the tactical sphere necessitating built-in intimate support from the air. With the addition in denseness of air vehicles and those envisaged to busy air space, which includes missiles and remote-controlled flights, the public-service corporation and keeping of ground forces air power equipped chiefly with rotary winged aircraft could good be contended. The relevant issue of aiming is an of import aspect in warfare. Ability to execute on nap-of-the-earth ( NOE ) winging which is virtually a proprietary claim, ability to vertically emerge from behind screen or obstruction, reconnoitre and even fire to destruct are inevitable chases and demand to retain the film editing border on a front line. When pitted against armor, and little and traveling marks the quandary of pin-point aiming from a fixed-wing tends to be aggravated. An appraisal of what is likely to act upon the battle-space in hereafter will acquire us to an understanding sing the figure of battling elements in struggle. This raises an issue of vulnearbility. High denseness of guided and unguided missiles with land forces create greater challenges of placing unexposed enemy and increased hazard of ain exposure to hostile fire. While defensive warning systems will help in countering air defense mechanism steps of the enemy, exposure to innocuous little weaponries fire can turn out to be deadly to low-flying aircraft. However, an nonsubjective appraisal would put the ground forces chopper in a better place to maneuver in and out of unsure missions in enemy district. The Forward Air Controller ( FAC ) takes charge of placing, turn uping and bespeaking the mark to the pilot in the combatant land onslaught aircraft, when considered indispensable. Immediate work stoppages are basically the same except that call for fire is handled by wireless and expedited through the system of field force as an immediate response. Army aeronauts executing the undertakings of FAC in such scenario will necessarily be capable to the clash expected from ‘unseen ‘ marks from a combatant aircraft winging at far greater velocity and at a different tallness set. There will be an increasing diffusion of the conflict infinite non depicted on the operational map. It will be an inevitable characteristic for the FAC to be besides considered a relevant mark to be ambushed at the earliest.[ 12 ] The dimensional enlargement with regard to use of air space would convey about the complex job of control and co-ordination of the air and land operations. While battlefield radio detection and rangings assist in air infinite direction the ability to widen their full spectrum of maps to moo winging aircraft at 30 meters above land degree ( AGL ) and beyond 50 kilometers from base will stay a primary concern. While the bid and control of land operations by the ‘war-managers ‘ can be effected by commanding officers being close to the military personnels, control of the air space assumes a complex and gigantic challenge. Operationalisation of Integrated Air Command and Control System ( IACCS ) with automated response may non be able to supply an full control over all air vehicles runing beyond ocular scope. The radio detection and rangings and bid Centres besides would be primary marks for hostile air power and enemy counter steps wanting suppression, hence the effectual bou nd of clip critical aid to army air power missions over significantly more strategic enterprise, will name for witting rating. Airspace direction and early warning are of import facets of support in combat. The flight profile of choppers by and large makes it hard for land radio detection and ranging to observe and prosecute them with anti-craft guns in good clip[ 13 ]but with Aerostats[ 14 ]and AWACS[ 15 ]in operational usage, sensing may non be the issue but designation will still stay a contention in a dense winging environment. It was by and large expected that in instance of war between NATO and Warsaw Pact forces, every bit many as 33 per cent aircraft losingss would be accounted for by friendly fire within the first 24 hours.[ 16 ]In the 1982 Lebanon War abrasion rate was imposed at an equal rate by friendly forces as compared to hostile action.[ 17 ] Dichotomies will ever be in the use of this elect corps equipped with various winging machines. A study was submitted during the Vietnam intercession sing task public presentation of UH-1E enlisted for public-service corporation missions during the period July 1966 to June 1967: – Administration/Liaison 5579 Tactical Air Controller ( Airborne ) 1086 Casualty emptying 1109 Command and Control 1099 Search and Rescue 116 Reconnaissance 1756 Entire 10745 The startling information was so announced. In add-on, to the flights listed another 19597 missions had been flown as armed choppers.[ 18 ]This gets interpreted as a listed vision runing from combat, combat support and combat service support operations the in use spectrum exposed to excessively accent on subjective readings of use. Similar illustrations are by far and many, and tendencies have non changed well. Army gunships besides tend to be overused and misused. In a survey conducted by BDM Corporation it was analysed that the land forces become quite fond of them and at critical times on occasion employed them in stead of tactical air and heavy weapon.[ 19 ] Technological progresss, nanotechnology and growing of digitization are altering constructs in modern warfare. While it may be hard to foretell the gait at which hereafter warfare will be contested, the common factor will be the functions that army air power will be required to execute. These will non be really diverse from what they are expected to and presenting today but will acquire combined with other platforms of the present and future coevals. This brings about the integrating of UAVs ( Unmanned Air Vehicles ) with functions and capablenesss of ground forces air power. It besides brings about the issue of sharing air infinite with these remote-controlled platforms without cut downing denominators to built-in undertakings. Tube launched and catapulted UAVs and micro aerial vehicles ( MAVs ) underscore the demand of a greater degree of planning and co-ordination for the land forces in the direction of their portion of ‘near-space ‘ 30-100 meters from land. At the sam e clip, ability to aim with remote-controlled aid and precise striking with human capacity for real-time analysis and prioritisation would further distinguishable possibilities of a higher grade of truth and efficaciousness. The ground forces believes combat as cardinal to war, and shutting with and destructing the enemy as cardinal to battle with all other elements in support, and air power being the manoevre component in such support. It is besides accepted that ground forces air power is really limited in its ability to execute interdiction missions and close air support which should be the duty of the Air Force. Therefore, doctrinally and besides practically the fixed flying assets of the ground forces would hold really limited public-service corporation except for possibly limited transit and communicating undertakings. However, we may see an addition in their Numberss alternatively when the issue of ‘hearing ‘ a chopper winging in a vale or in cragged terrain from stat mis, is evaluated. Besides, with comparative lower operating costs, initiation and use of fixed wing aircraft besides proves good in reconnaissance, current situational air exposure including transit where frontward set downing strips license. The reappraisal of tilt rotor V-22 Osprey aircraft were encouraging boulder clay weighed against a measure of $ 100 million per unit, missing manoevreability, slow descent and limited protection.[ 20 ]Operating such aircraft from the field and holding to be concerned with tactical scattering, disguise, enemy state of affairs, assembly country security, land to land every bit good as land to air communications jobs, and keeping aircraft from a field environment should, nevertheless, non be overlooked. Factors that contribute to the operational attraction of these aircraft are by and large associated with an airbase substructure and possible menaces near the landing evidences require active consideration. Military attempt is frequently directed at the high ranges of mountains. Whether it be contending in Afghanistan or keeping land in the Himalayas, a major part of struggle is witnessed in higher heights and therefore the operational bounds of public presentation demands critical rating both in footings of systems in usage and bounds of human endurance. Any troop carrying attempt or heavy armory would connote sulky manoevreability at that height. Army air power assets would however supply first-class properties in helping logistical and support steps including manned surveillance and reconnaissance. Tacticss and equipment will necessitate to be tailored to the different demands of mountain warfare.[ 21 ]This aspect requires more focal point as conditions in the higher ranges of the Himalayas are alone to us. Success or failure of a military operation will frequently be determined by the velocity with which the needed forces can be manoervred and moved into place at such high heights. Planing would besides necessitate to take history of the predominating air state of affairs ; due to their increasing function there will be marked exposure of ground forces air power aircraft from enemy air action. A favorable air state of affairs may good go an indispensable requirement for the employment of such assets in most operational scenarios. Military work stoppage for immediate success and consequence may ensue on a measured usage of Particular Forces ( SF ) . This would intend interdiction behind enemy lines fleetly and exactly at the same time with application of airpower for strategic surgical consequence and SF units for operational degree ends. This would ask the expedience of ground forces air power for rapid troop interpolation and unsnarling on completion of mission. At the conventional degree it would necessitate the enemy commanding officer to deploy military personnels in larger step for protection of their rear countries. Nuclear arsenal with states in struggle influences responses. Rise to the atomic threshold is an implied and immediate response, whether or non existent struggle takes topographic point.[ 22 ]Troop motion and application in a atomic battleground has been thought through the old ages, to be better feasible with choppers when clip is a premium, than any other manner.[ 23 ]Armored bearers with NBC protection have been evaluated as utile but ability to transport both military personnels and arms in a atomic battleground with just velocity and able to concentrate from spread landings is a characteristic acknowledged while sing tactical mobility in affected countries.[ 24 ]Survey and inert reconnaissance squads can be transported and commence operation within 15 proceedingss in the contaminated countries[ 25 ]provided the environment remains contributing for winging.[ 26 ]The bounds of survivability of aircraft and equipment in the presence or deficiency of field munitions when runing off from lasting air bases, and that of air power crew will necessitate rating exercisings. Army air power has found increased applications through the old ages and have become indispensable to many types of military operations. Helicopter support can be decisive when used rapidly to counter an enemy ‘s motion or when used to work success. Responsiveness means control, and control demands to be shifted to a lower degree for the chopper assets to do their full impact.Closing IdeasGiven myriad ongoing attempts across the air power community, it is critical that we maintain a long scope planning window that will let us to better place ourselves for upcoming challenges in a co-ordinated mode. In showing Army Aviation as an built-in portion of the hereafter force, we are obliged to hold clear vision of aims, functions and duties in order to efficaciously vie for the necessary capablenesss to take this arm into the following 25 old ages. The development of new schemes and procedures implementing them sagely and efficaciously while continuing indispensable bequest will keep high criterions of sustenance and operational support achieved by Army Aviation have achieved in recent old ages.