
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Cinema of India and Irish Pages

Irish Pages LTD Glorious Particularity Author(s): Mira Nair Reviewed work(s): Source: Irish Pages, Vol. 3, No. 2, The Home Place (2006), pp. 103-108 Published by: Irish Pages LTD Stable URL: http://www. jstor. org/stable/30057428 . Accessed: 09/11/2012 06:27 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www. jstor. org/page/info/about/policies/terms. jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive.We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email  protected] org. . Irish Pages LTD is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Irish Pages. http://www. jstor. org GLORIOUS PARTICULARITY MiraNalr Illumining the actual. I make images in my work. I don't pen words, esp ecially not words to be delivered from church pulpits.So I experienced great agony writing this essay, particularlysince it was also meant for publication, until I began to see it as an opportunity to think aloud with you on what has been possessing my mind of late, in this tumultuous past year since the watershed of 9/11/01. I have been reflecting on the torrent of ceaseless images flooding our lives: in the print media, TV and of course, in our popular cinema, ultimately asking myself the age-old questionsTer Braakraises in his still-radicalessay:what is the role of an artist in any society? What is the place and future of cinema in the world today?In the new â€Å"globalvillage†of incessant images, increasinglyI see the failure of mass media to impart actual understanding. This overactive pluralism gives one the illusion of knowing a lot about a lot when actually you know a smattering about nothing at all, leaving in its wake an audience so thoroughly bludgeoned by little bits of information that one is left confused and consequently apathetic politically. Perhapsthat is its intention. The fact is that while images have become more and more international, people's lives have remained astonishingly parochial.This ironic truth of contemporary life is especially troubling in today's war-mongering times, when so much depends on understanding worlds so different, and consequently totally divided, from one's own. In this post-9/11 world, where the schisms of the globe are being cemented into huge walls between one belief and way of life and another, now more than ever we need cinema to reveal our tiny local worlds in all their glorious particularity. In my limited experience, it's when I've made a film that's done full-blown justice to the truths and idiosyncraciesof the specifically local, that it crosses over to become surprisinglyuniversal. Take Monsoon edding,or instance. I wanted to make an intimate family W out of nothing, a love song to the city of Delhi where I come flick, something from, to return to my old habits of guerilla film-making. Except this time, fired m by the recent empowering of the Dogme ethod, I wanted to make a film in just 30 days. That was the original premise: to prove to myself that I didn't need the juggernaut of millions of dollars, studios, special effects and plenty of men in suits to make a good story in the most interesting visual way possible. I wanted 103 IRISH PAGES o capture, first and foremost, the spirit of masti(meaning an intoxication with life) inherent in the full-bodied Punjabi community from where I come, and then, to capture the Indiathat I know and love, an India which lives in several centuries at the same time. As Arundhati Roy put it, â€Å"as Indian citizens we subsist on a regular diet of caste massacresand nuclear tests, mosque breakings and fashion shows, church burnings and expanding cell phone networks, bonded labour and the digital revolution, female infanticide and the Nasd aq crash, husbandswho continue to burn their wives for dowry and our delectable pile of MissWorlds. It couldn't be said better. Such were the fluid pillars of the India I wanted to put on film – 68 actors, 148 scenes, and one hot monsoon season later, using paintings,jewellery, saris and furniture taken from relatives on the screen, with each member of my family acting in it, after shooting exactly 30 days, a film was born that then had a journey so different from any expectation (more correctly, non-expectation) that we might have had for it during its making.People from New Delhi to Iceland to Hungary to Brazil to America believed it was their wedding, their family,themselves on that screen – and if they didn't have a family,they yearned to belong to one like the people they saw on screen. I didn't make the film to educate anybody about â€Å"my culture and my people†- I believe that to be simply a cultural ambassadorof one's country is boring – rather, if it was made for anybody beyond myself, it was made for the people of Delhi to feel and laugh and cry at our own flawed Punjabi(a. k. a the PartyAnimals of India) selves. Uniquely for me, Monsoon edding as the first of seven films I'd made that W was completely embraced by the mainstreamBollywood film industryin India; producers, directors, movie stars, choreographers, musicians alike embraced the film, and for the first time in my 20-odd years as an independent film maker – independent really from both the Indianand the Americanmainstream – I felt the possibility of my work belonging somewhere. Although the style and form of Monsoon edding as radical for the Indianpublic (the entire film was w W hot with a hand-held camera,was reality-based, with a host of completely unknown faces mixed in with legendary actors, live singing, no studio shooting, using a mixture of old Indianpop songs with new original music, and dialogue simultaneouslyin Hindi, English and Punjabi) ,it continues to play in Indiaalmost a year after its release. Perhapsthis was because we took a familiar premise – that of an Indian wedding, and of the family drama that surrounds such an event anywhere – and made a â€Å"realitycheck†version of it so different from the normal Bollywood film.Bollywood, a term for the enormous commercial film industryin Bombay, refers to those grand, epic and over-the-top extravaganzas eplete with musical r 104 IRISH PAGES numbers and lavish production values, designed as escapist entertainment for the masses. It is what Ter Braak hilariously describes in his discussion of low cinema – â€Å"born among cigarette-chewing youths and giggling maid-servants, received with wild enthusiasm and the honest romanticism of a proletariat yearning for deliverance. â€Å"Despite its inimitable, distinctive style and its current arty-exotic cache, Bollywood is nothing like cinema of the art-house, New Wave variety, nothing like expr essionism – it does not have pretensions of purity. It is defiantly popular, made for the masses and for profit. Therefore, Bollywood as a cinematic form is necessarily adaptive and composite – a genre welcoming outside influences, not fearing them. In the first place, the filmmakers always aiming for the broadest possible audience – have had to accommodate the multiple interests of an extremely regional and diverse country.Certain unifying elements – Mahabharata and Ramayana, the foundational epic texts from which many stories derive, and the emphasis in all films on family tradition and local setting – give Bollywood films a broad resonance within Furthermore, Bollywood was born under colonialism and brilliantly survives in a post-colonial world. The Bollywood style is famously adaptive and absorbent, a sponge that had to respond to imperialist influences to survive pre-Independence, and willingly imitated them for profit in more recent years. A common phenomenon in Bombay are the so-called DVD India. irectors who pitch their stories to moviestars using cued scenes from wellknown Hollywood movies (e. g. , â€Å"it is basically a combination of Godfather meets Love Story meets When Harry Met Sally†). Western stories from Jane E re to Dead Poets'Societyare retold with Indian characters and production design that very often – ingeniously – play into both Westerners' and Indians' idealization of India. This suggests a border around India that is both porous and protective, flagrantly absorbing and copying all sorts of influences yet twisting them to make it finally seem inimitably Indian – or, to put it more accurately, inimitably Bollywood.There is much debate on the survival of local cinemas in a global age, and much consternation about the unstoppable wave of American culture, often accused of alternately dulling and diluting art and aesthetic sensibilities around the world. The French have been r ailing about cultural protectionism from Hollywood for years now. In this context of trying to preserve and cultivate local voices, it is fabulous to see the unflagging energy of Bollywood cinema. Bollywood's vigor, its staying power and its improbable, flexible hybridity, are all results of its huge internal market.Commercially and artistically – much like Indian culture itself. Bollywood is supple and muscular 105 IRISH PAGES The mass Indian audience for whom Bollywood films are made is evergrowing and makes the industry hugely profitable, even without taking into account the global reach it has attained. The first Indian film, Rala w Harishchandra, as produced in 1913. Thirty thousand films have been made since. Today,800 films per year are made throughout India, and 12 million people within the country's borders go to see a Hindi film daily.The booming Bollywood market is self-sustainingand runs parallel to – and undisturbedby – American film exhibition in I ndia. This is before taking into account Bollywood's huge market abroad, both as an export to other lands (such as Russia, the Middle East, Africa) and to the far-reachingIndian Diaspora. Growing up in India in the sixties and seventies in the fairly remote state of Orissa, I was not an aficionadoof Bollywood pictures. I did swoon over many of the popular love songs from the movies, but the films themselves did little for me. I was much more interested in stories of real people, the extraordinarinessof ordinary life.Initiallyinspired by jatra which is the form of traditionaltravellingmythological theatre in the countryside, I later became involved with political protest theatre in Calcutta. Then, with eyes focused beyond my own country, I became preoccupied with the Beatles and the antiVietnam War movement, the Western avant-garde, guerilla theater, etc. It wasn't until I went to America for college and began studying film that the â€Å"other†Indian movies first reached me: SatyajitRay, Ritwik Ghatakand Guru Dutt, whose emotionalism and visual stylization were actually pure independent film-making, but made from within Bollywood.The immediacy and grandeurof these films is a pillar for me now – I rely on seeing one of Guru Dutt's movies every six months before I make another one of my own. However, I was the last person to ever imagine that the commercial cinema of the Indian mainstream would have anything whatsoever to do with my own work. Yet the opportunity to give this lecture has given me a chance to reflect on my own trajectory, and I am surprised to find that my home cinema has had a strong influence on my body of work indeed, regardlessof my exploration of increasingly motley and disparatecultures.And in reflecting, I've seen that the influence of Indian films – specifically that unabashed emotional directness, the freewheeling use of music, that emphasis on elemental motivations and values – is a thread running consistently through every one of my films; even when exploring foreign worlds, I have taken the bones and flesh of those societies and tried to infuse them with the spirit of where I'm from. Much of post-imperial scholarship focuses on the Western gaze – and Bollywood itself, as I've said, had to adapt to and be constantly aware of the colonialist point of view. I find myself applying an Eastern gaze 06 IRISH PAGES to Western contexts now, and enjoying the reversal. Historically,Hollywood has alwaysbeen open to foreign directors, so long as we have the competence, craft and flair needed to make money. From Erich von Stroheim to BillyWilder to Ang Lee to PaulVerhoevento ShekharKapur, the doors have opened for us, so long as we understand the bottom line. In my most recent film, Hysterical lindness, working-class drama set in a B New Jersey in the eighties, I found that even in the drab and loveless confines of these bar-hopping girls' world, the Bollywood approachwas just as useful.Half- jokingly,I refer to the style of the film as â€Å"AmericanBleak, Bollywoodstyle†. Within the frame of â€Å"American Bleak,†understatement and mundane circumstances notwithstanding, the full-blown emotion was there, waiting to be made overt. People are people, after all, and no matter if we're trying to portray a loveless reality where desperate women comb neighbourhood bars looking for love, only to find heartbreak,audiences must feel their neuroses as if they are their own.And now, looking at pre-Victorian London to adapt Thackeray's gloriously entertaining saga, VanityFair, I find an enormous panorama of themes familiar to those of us steeped in Bollywood: a woman who defies her poverty-stricken background to clamber up the social ladder, unrequited love, seduction through song, a mother's sacrifice for her child, a true gentleman in a corrupt world . .. the catalog of human stories remains the same. Moreover, it is a story that comes down to basic human ambition, asking a spiritual, even yogic question:Which of us is happy in this orld? Which of us has his desire? Or, having it, is satisfied? The bold strokes of Indian cinema are ideal for this canvas,too. Culture-combining does not have to yield the soulless â€Å"Euro-gateau† lamented by Istvan Szabo in Zanussi's 1993 lecture here. Because, as Zanussi explained, those are films without a center, stories that take place in nameless, unrecognizable cities with a host of European actors desperately attempting a neutralAmerican/English accent, afraidof any eccentricities or distinctiveness that would distract from the mongrelization of the piece.The Bollywood form, itself an ever-growing collage of culturalinfluences, is making its way around the world, but retaining its soul. In fact, my only fear as Bollywood seems to cross over into Western commercial screens is that it waters itself down to suit the Western palate. Lately,Western culture has taken Bollywood styles and incorporated t hem into the mainstream Hollywood vocabulary:smash-hit movies and plays imitate Bollywood's musical form and ultra-theatricalstyle, adaptingthem to Western contexts (MoulinRouge, ombay B Dreams). Think of Thora Birch in GhostWorld, atching a 1950s Hindi dance w umber and dancing around her room gleefully. She sees a freshness and 107 IRISH PAGES lustiness totally absent from her Anytown, USA existence. The crazy dance number is delightfullyforeign to her, yet throughit we also see her small world with new, sharp clarity. Bollywood's pure emotional thrust and distinctive vocabulary has authenticity in itself, however manufactured and molded the form has been over the years. In this era of internationalmisunderstanding,as the threat of a global divide – culturally and politically – is more dire than ever, this distinctiveness is to be celebrated.I have always repeated to myself and to my students that â€Å"if we don't tell our stories, no one else will. â€Å"The â₠¬Å"we†and â€Å"our† in the best films is both local and universal. Cinema can mirror an individual's tiny world, yet reveal infinite other worlds in all their particularity. Film should not behave. It cannot. Cinema is too democratic to be lobotomized into a single way or style. I always say,There are no rules in making cinema – there is only good cinema or soulless cinema.And as long as there are films made like In the Mood or Love,Angel at My Table,Pyaasa,Battle of Algiers,Dekalog, Timeof the f Gypsies,we're doing all right. What is happening to the world lies, at the moment, just outside the realm of common understanding. The only revenge is to work, to make cinema that illuminates this common understanding,that destabilizes the dull competence of most of what is produced, that infuses life with idiosyncracy, whimsy, brutality, and like life, that captures the rare but fabulous energy that sometimes emerges from the juxtaposition of the tragic and comic. a F M L U Thisessaywasdelivered s the Cinema 2i1tans ecture t the Netherlands ilmFestival, trecht, in September002 It is published ereor the irst time. 2 hf f One of the world'sleadingfilmakers,Mira Nair has directedeightfeaturefilms since her celebrated ebutwith SalaamBombay! in 1988. Bornin 1957, shegrew up in Orissa, ndia d I and attendedHavardUniversity. Her mostrecentilms are Vanity Fair (2004), Hysterical f Blindness (2002) and Monsoon Wedding (2001) Hernextfilm, he Namesake, basedon a T i novelbyjhumpa Lahiri,will be releasedn the springof 2007 108

Betrayal in Shakespeare Essay

Breaking the bond of trust in a relationship, and deceiving another person is considered betrayal. In Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, betrayal can be seen as the base of the whole story, and throughout the play between other characters. Due to the anger of Cassius, the whole of the play deals with the betrayal of Caesar by Cassius, and there are examples of this before and after his death. The first betrayal of Caesar can be looked at in the very beginning of the play, when Flavius and Marcillus sends the commoners away, and then proceed to take scarves off of the statues celebrating Caesar. They make the comment, â€Å"These growing feathers pluck’d from Caesar’s wing will make him fly an ordinary pitch,† (Act 1, Scene 1). In other words, the two conspirators feel that by sending away Caesar’s followers will give Caesar a reality check of sorts, and to bring his ego down a peg. The next example of betrayal can be seen by Cassius working to get Brutus to his side, away from believing in Caesar. He does this by first sending him a fake letter, and then proceeds to tell him about why he is so upset, and that he feels betrayed by Caesar. He tells Brutus about a time before when they were swimming across the Tiber river and Caesar was almost drowning, calling out, â€Å"Help me, Cassius, or I will sink! † (Act 1, Scene 2). He describes how he saved Caesar’s life, then tells Brutus, â€Å"and this man is now become a god, and Cassius is a wretched creature and must bend his body,† (Act 1, Scene 2). This would be describing Cassius bowing down to Caesar as a king, even though he had saved his life. Most of the betrayal in this story is fairly upfront, until Act 3, after Caesar is killed. His friend Mark Anthony acts as though he is betraying Caesar, in order to take his later revenge. When he first arrives at the murder scene, he shakes hands with all of the conspirators that have killed Caesar, even though their hands are covered with blood. He then comments, â€Å"Shall it not grieve thee dearer than thy death to see thy Anthony making his piece, shaking the bloody fingers of thy foes, most noble! In the presence of thy corpse? † (Act 3, Scene 1). He is actually speaking to the spirit of Caesar. Anthony plays this part of fake betrayal to Caesar, continuing by agreeing to Brutus that he will not say anything bad about him after Brutus gets done speaking at the funeral of Caesar. Yet, the true betrayal happens when Anthony begins to discount everything Brutus has just said to the citizens, and he turns the citizens against Brutus and the other conspirators. The citizens become enraged as they feel that their leader, Caesar has been betrayed by the killers. The last example of betrayal can be seen as family betrays family. In Act 5, there is a conversation between Lepidus, Octavius, and Mark Anthony. The first family betrayal is when Lepidus consents to have his brother killed along with the other conspirators. Octavius asks Lepidus, â€Å"your brother too must die; consent you Lepidus? † to which Lepidus answers, â€Å"I do consent,† (Act 5, Scene 1). The next family betrayal is when Mark Anthony then agrees that his sister’s son, Publius will be killed too. Anthony replies without hesitation, â€Å"He shall not live; look with a spot I damn him,† (Act 5, Scene 1). There are other examples of betrayal in Julius Caesar, but betrayal is a concept that the whole story is based on, interweaving between almost all the characters of the story. From the major storyline of the betrayal of Caesar, to the minor betrayals between characters which cause Caesar’s death, or betrayal that is because of it, this is ultimately the theme of the story itself.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Analytical Paper

Presenting the public with two â€Å"equal† sides and making the scientific community seem divided. The best way that constrains Interfered with a scientific consensus was to generate doubt within the American public by creating a delve between scientists. For example, the harmfulness of acid rain was questioned when Fred Singer 1 contradicted the factual evidence of his committee by claiming in an official government report that the causes of acid rain were not certain and that a reduction in industrial emissions would not necessarily help solve the problem.Both of these statements were in direct contradiction with the international scientific community, which made the consensus seem wavering and the official White House-appointed panel seem divided. Fred Singer reemerges on the issue of ozone depletion by blasting the science community when claiming that the whole issue was an under- researched overreaction (1 26); he claimed that ozone depletion was due to natural stratosph eric cooling (127).Several years later, Bill Emergencies created doubt over climate change when he lead a report asserting that rolling CA was a problem that loud be solved with technology and the government only needed to fund more research (183). Merchants of Doubt provides countless examples of contraction scientists chopping down the certainty of scientific findings. Constrains like Singer and Energetic are able to discredit the work of thousands of scientists because they are praised leading scientists who have served in distinguished federal science corporations.They have developed ties to the government through federal agencies, think tanks, and direct contact with congressman, senators, and presidents (7). Secondly, the people who are being arrogated by scientists are industries with lots of money, which have the resources to hire and provide funding to influential people who will defend their products. With strong reputations and money, contraction scientists are perceived as â€Å"experts† with â€Å"Informed opinions† and thus are granted a false sense of credibility and Influence.Tactic #2: Tagging scientist as â€Å"bad† and calling their findings â€Å"junk. † Fred Sister, an influential defender of the tobacco industry, invented a tactic of contraction scientists that targeted the EPA as a Junk organization whose science â€Å"is manipulated to fulfill a political agenda† (144) and â€Å"imposes enormous economic costs on all aspects of society† (142). Sites and Singer blasted their views of the EPA as â€Å"bad scientists† all over public media venues such as the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post.Singer attacked the EPA for not considering that adverse health effects from second hand smoke could be due to outside factors when doing an epidemiological study; he claimed the EPA rigged their results and ignored other possibilities In order to dupe the public (144). I believe the â€Å"bad science† argument Is accepted by the public because science Is nearly misunderstood for a variety of reasons. Firstly, research results can be complicated and generally confusing to a nonscientific, therefore the public must credible counterargument and splitting the scientific consensus (Task #1).Most people have no scientific baseline from which to make informed opinions so they gather information from â€Å"experts† from both sides of a scientific story. Secondly, science in general is an objective project, scientists stress that their results are always falsifiable and that continued research is necessary to strengthen a scientific finding. For example, Roger Reveille started a talk to the AAAS about climate change by saying, â€Å"There is a good but by no means certain chance that the world's average climate will become significantly warmer during the next century' (191).Constrains used this ambiguous statement as a way to show that scientists are unsure of thei r work, when in fact there is no â€Å"certain chance† in any scientific trend. In order to remain trustworthy, scientists must always instill a sense of impartiality that is misconstrued as uncertainty. Tactic #3: Making the public believe that environmentalism is a threat to the American value system. One goal of scientific findings on acid rain or the ozone hole is to invoke political action that will ensure safety to humans and the environment.Contraction scientists claim that this goal is UN-American and that the corrupt political agenda of environmentalism is a threat to human rights. For example, a pro-smoking organization, FORESTS, claimed that if smoking was banned, â€Å"there is essentially no limit to how much government can ultimately control our lives† (164). As Singer and Sites would put it, it was individual liberty at stake. â€Å"Today smoking, tomorrow†¦ Who knew? (145). Science was also attacked for being uneconomic. Dixie Lee Ray in the 1992 Progress Foundation Economic Conference claimed â€Å"sustainability was replacing [economic] progress† (252).Constrains aimed to convince Americans that by protecting industry they were protecting their â€Å"liberty that depended on [economic] progress† (252). This tactic was made possible because constrains tapped into the American fear of the communist Soviet Union by claiming that environmentalism was a socialist endeavor. They pegged environmentalists as â€Å"Watermelons': green on the outside, red on the inside† (248). When the Cold War ended, constrains funneled socialist fear into an anti-climate change movement, which revolved around the idea that climate change was against American's liberty and prosperity.The attackers believed they were â€Å"working to ‘secure the blessings of liberty as if science was being used against those blessings?in ways that challenged the freedom of free enterprise† (238). Constrains put science under the fir e by claiming that its agenda was to deny the rights of citizens, much like the Soviets did to their citizens in the Cold War. Conclusion: The players mentioned?singer, Suite, Energetic, Lee Ray, and FOREST ?among others have created organized patterns of doubt that misconstrue the validity of research and science.Using money and influence, they have dismantled any form of consensus within the scientific community and have used popular media outlets to echo their claims. 9 They understand the American emphasis on economic have attacked scientists as being politically incentive socialists that threaten citizen's rights to freedom and prosperity. They have used these strategies to stunt political action in issues like acid rain and climate change and have caused the American public to lose faith in the credibility of science.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Internet job search and unemployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Internet job search and unemployment - Essay Example The advantages of internet job sites are two folds. It benefits the job seekers as well as the employers (Lucas, 2012). The job seekers can easily access the information of recruitments in various organizations and select the organization of their choice where they want to apply. On the other hand the employers have the luxury to select the best brains. Researcher Thoughts The turbulence on the world economy in the recent times has forced the rate of unemployment to take the steep rising curve. The situation is more or less the same for most of the countries. The job market got hit the hardest since the impact of the financial distress. The level of unemployment in United States remained at the high level last year despite attempts made by the Obama government to open up new job opportunities. The new study conducted by University of Colorado revealed that use of internet to find the right job is beneficial in the job searching process. The research involved in the survey found that use of internet to seek employment reduces the amount spent to look out for employment through other sources. But there exists some other researches that contradict the survey. In the year 2004 some researchers came up with the findings of two kinds of scenarios. They found that internet was not an effective tool in job searching process and the people who looked to search jobs online were not as qualified. But the effect of globalization and technological advancements internet has entered into the living rooms of the society. The websites on job searches have improved in due course of time. In recent times the employers are taking the initiative to provide detailed job listings and information on available positions on the job search engines which eases up the process between the employer and the job seeker (Goess, 2011). The change has been overwhelming with significant improvements over the period while the penetration of internet acted to be the catalyst. The introduction of social media has dramatically changed the way people land up their jobs. The social networking sites namely twitter, facebook or Linkedin are the platforms to connect with others in person or with specific industry. The online platforms in most cases play the primary role in how the job seeker gets connected with the employer regarding the job opening. There is a dark side as well. The invention of social media can harm the efforts of job seekers. The search theory can be applied in labor economics with the aim to analyze the frictional unemployment resulting from job hunting by the job seekers. From the perspective of job seekers an acceptable offer is one that provides high wage along with additional benefits and also provides safe working conditions. The theory studies the optimal strategy of the job seekers to choose the job of right quality from the available opportunities and optimize the decision making process. The job sites presents all the available positions on one window and therefore the job seekers have the choice to choose their platter and take the right decision at the right time but the question arises will the job sites be able to sustain and have long term impacts upon the level of unemployment. Policy makers have came up with many tools so as to take care of long term unemployment problem. However researchers argue can the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Investment Appraisal for Miggy and Brothers Co Essay

Investment Appraisal for Miggy and Brothers Co - Essay Example MBC is considering three alternatives as replacements: model A which will be sourced from the United States; Model B which is a British machine; and model C which will be imported from France. All of these machineries cost $100,000 and are seen to improve the production efficiency of the company and reduce the costs incurred in manufacture. As these are new machines, MBC will be hiring and training personnel who will operate the new equipment. Exact amount is not yet determined but Model C, in particular is expected to incur the highest training cost since the machine is least user-friendly. Models A & B have local dealer which agree to maintain and repair the machines for MBC. In the case of Model C, MBC needs to seek French manufacturers to service the machine in case of emergencies. The choice between the three machines under consideration can be justified by utilizing tools which tests the profitability of each investment. Three of the most frequently used assessment tools will be employed in MBC decision making. These are payback period, net present value analysis, and internal rate of return analysis. Aside from the quantitative data given by the management, this report adjusted the figures to enhance the rationale of the choice. In this regard, the salvage value of the old machine to be replaced is reflected as cash flows in Models A, B, and C. It should be noted that as the acquisition of the new machine will entail discarding the old, all options will benefit from the revenue of selling the old one. Due to equity considerations, this report opted to disregard the salvage value of the three machines on the sixth year. Since the salvage value of Models B and C cannot be determined, it is more rational to omit the revenue to be derived from the future sale of the machines. 3.1 Payback Period The payback period is one of the simplest ways in ascertaining the feasibility of an investment. This tool is used to determine the length of time that the company can recoup its cash outlay (Keown, et al, 2005). Table 2 shows the computed payback period for the three options. Table 2. Payback Period Computation From the above computation, Model A has a payback period of 4 years while the company's investment in Models B and C will be recouped within a shorter period of three years. 3.2 Net Present Value Net Present Value (NPV) is the difference between the present value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows (Keown, et al, 2005). Table 3. Net Present Value Computation Table 2 shows the computation for the NPV of the three machines under consideration. Model A has an NPV of 6,434 while Models B and C generate discounted cash flows of -7,299 and 16,455, respectively. 3.3 Internal Rate of Return The internal rate of return is the cost of capital which equates the NPV to zero (Keown, et al, 2005). Table 4 shows the different IRR for each model as computed by Microsoft Excel. Consistent with the NPV analysis,

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Simulation Perceptual Maps in Marketing Research Paper

Simulation Perceptual Maps in Marketing - Research Paper Example Thorr Motors for example has used these maps to design a marketing plan for their high brand. Scholar Clemente defines these maps as processes through which the perception of consumers on an existing commodity are charted. I will attempt to discuss the three simulation phases, and recommended solutions and results. Phase I: this involves perceptual mapping. The situation here is decrease in sales due to brand image. This is so because the Cruiser Thorr’s target consumers were aging and their tastes had begun to outgrow the lifestyle that Cruiser Thorr symbolizes. In addition to this issue, youthful customers had more interest in lower priced motorcycles due to their lower personal disposable incomes. Maps that were perceptual were used to position Cruiser Thorr’s position in the market in terms of consumer perceptions. The parameters for mapping included price, services offered, lifestyle image and quality engineering. Since the Cruiser Thorr’s image was being ou tgrown by the target audience which was aging, lifestyle image was chosen. The mapping of the image was useful in maintaining a level of image that it satisfies both younger and older customers. Lifestyle image was important to Thorr as it had the potential to influence a customer’s decision to buy a Cruiser Thorr because of its representation. Since perceptual maps are visual representation of a customer's opinion of a brand and the Lifestyle Image of Cruiser Thorr is that of masculinity and mobility, Thorr Motorcycles should make changes regarding the consumer image in the wake of decreasing sales, so as to be able to bring back the profits the Cruiser Thorr had before. Marketing is not only about selling and advertising, it also affects products and the consumers in the economic system and organizations must understand how this happens. Simulation helps perfectly in this in that it helps construct and use perceptual maps so as to create effective marketing plans like for T horr’s motorcycle brand. Phase II: phase two of simulation is about the product, either introducing a new product into the market or repositioning the existing one. The situation involves decrease in sales of Cruiser Thor and the need to come up with a market plan able to reposition Cruiser Thorr to effectively and efficiently launch a new product of a motorcycle. The top judgment for the association was aimed at repositioning Cruiser Thorr through financing solutions and boosting services. By providing financing alternatives and rising services Thorr Motorcycles Inc can open doors for possible consumers who may have had the feeling that the Cruiser Thorr was further than their reach especially younger viewers who may already have shown great interest and passion in the Cruiser Thorr. Recommended Solutions: The solutions here are in the area of reforming engineering in terms of quality, pricing, and services. Quality engineering touches on every aspect or quality of the commo dity or product, including style, design, engine capacity and more importantly, the design of the engine. Quality engineering has a high market impact of the product and could increase sales by meeting the customers’ needs in terms of quality, thus increasing the organization’s level of credibility of its products. Pricing is also very important to customers as it influences decisions to make a purchase for an item or not. Having a high price is okay as long as the quality and credibility

Friday, July 26, 2019

Toulmin Essay on how DOD buget cuts affect the basic member of the

Toulmin on how DOD buget cuts affect the basic member of the Military - Essay Example I did decide to write on the topic because as simple as it is, it can bring a justifiable case to concerned persons on the need to look at a wider perspective before deciding to do budget cuts. The military budget is part of a country’s discretionary total budget, which is mainly allocated to the department of defence. Broadly, such budgets go to any defence related budgets, which may include: paying military salaries, giving military personnel trainings, healthcare of personnel and in some cases buying equipment for the military. In measure, the DOD can cut its budget to its members, which can affect them positively or negatively. It is argued that when such budget cuts are implemented, it would result to lack of co-operation among its member states. The members of the military have become dependent on the budget. Due to this, they are able to co-operate with the DOD in any policy. But when there is a budget cut, the members will start becoming unco-operative, and at times may pull out completely from the DOD membership(Smith, page 13). Such budget cuts are useful when dealing with other priority areas that need to be funded. Budget cuts by DOD will help its members to use the money saved for other purposes like paying for healthcare insurances or providing for pensions. The money can be used to continue training and educating the military personnel. For its members, the budget cut monies can only have a positive impact if they are used directly to support the members of the military (Sullivan & Sheffrin, pages 245) . Another argument is that the military budget cuts are appropriate because in cancelling such high budget cuts on the military, there is no existing justification that they are funding a threat that may likely to occur. The argument is that it is appropriate to continue spending money for many years on what will not eventually happen, instead of using the money in diplomatic processes to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Twelfth Night Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Twelfth Night - Essay Example Thesis statement: The analysis based on the two versions of the play Twelfth Night (the play Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare and the movie She’s the Man by Andy Fickman) proves that Shakespeare’s play revolves around the central character named as Viola, but Fickman provides ample importance to the play’s theme and presents the same in a different way. Analysis This section is broadly divided into four, namely: setting, character, theme, and literary/dramatic trope/irony. Setting In the play, Shakespeare makes use of the romantic atmosphere of Illyria to unveil the mistaken identity of the heroine/hero. Besides, the playwright utilizes the atmosphere of real Illyria to stimulate the imagination of the audience. During Shakespeare’s time, less was known about Illyria because the same was a distant area from England. Robert Owen Scott states that, â€Å"Shakespeare’s Illyria is a fairy-tale land populated with dukes, ladies, knights, and jesters † (21). To be specific, the playwright introduces an imaginary setting to the Elizabethan audience. This initiative is important because the aspiration to know more about distant lands was an important characteristic of the audience during Shakespeare’s time. One can see that Shakespeare was aware of the fact that less knowledge about a place can stimulate imagination. So, the land of Illyria is symbolic of the playwright’s attempt to entertain the viewers. Besides, romance is interconnected with imagination and an imaginary atmosphere is suitable to tell a romantic tale. Frederic Kolman states that, â€Å"This is a play about love, placed in a festive atmosphere in which three couples are brought together happily† (18). Shakespeare aims to provide a pleasant mood to the play because the same suits the romantic setting of the same. On the other side, Shakespeare makes use of the story of shipwreck to connect the twins (say, Viola and Sebastian) with the dr amatic atmosphere of Illyria. This is important because shipwreck can happen anywhere and there is high possibility for anyone to be entrapped in a distant land. So Shakespeare amalgamated imagination and reality by choosing a dramatic atmosphere as the setting of his play, i.e. Illyria. On the other side, the movie based on the play provides less importance to an imaginative land because director does not try to choose a distant land as the setting. One can easily identify the fact that choosing a distant land can reduce the scope of box-office success of a film because distance is not considered as important in the modern world. So, the director amalgamated the setting into the film’s plot, i.e. the rivalry between Cornwall School and Illyria School. In addition, rivalry related to sports is an important element of the setting and plot in the film. Still, the director exploits the scope of the setting because victory in soccer match is important for the players and those wh o support them. To be specific, the dramatic atmosphere of the setting in the play is not utilized in the film. Instead, the director makes use of the setting as a background to support the development of the film’s plot. Character In the play, Shakespeare makes use of the character Viola as the backbone of the plot. For instance, the whole play develops through the development of the character Viola from a castaway to the duchess of Illyria. Peter Grube makes clear that, â€Å"The social reality of the Elizabethan Age was obviously marked

Benefits of Video Games Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Benefits of Video Games - Research Paper Example Most institutions have installed computer laboratories to help their students to catch with the technology demanded by the contemporary job environment. Along this technology stands the gaming technology that continues to evolve and to become the favourite of many young students. In the invention of new video gaming technology, it was a mere source of entertainment that people could indulge to spend their luxury time. However, research has revealed that the value of video games in the life of learners has been ignored as these games can have both positive and negative impacts in their learning. Research points out that there is need for reconsideration of the application of video games in the life of learners both in their homes and in the school environment. Understanding the impact of video games on the learners learning will help to develop a strategy on which the negative effects can be eliminated and the positive can be optimized. Specifically, it will be possible to incorporate this technology in the learning environment and enhance the learners’ abilities. In this light, there is need to investigate the best approach to integrate computer aided video games in the curriculum. Video games have both physical and psychological impacts on the life of individual and this may affect their learning behaviour. Obradovic (2002) identifies that video games have had negative impacts on learners owing to the addictive behaviours that comes along their usage. As entertainment tools, video games are attractive and are addictive to their users statistics indicate that over 92% of children aged between 4 and 17 years have access to computer games and are likely to be addicts of playing these games. Addiction is the source of the negative impacts of the learning needs of the students. First, addiction comes about when a student spends

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Purpose of strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Purpose of strategy - Essay Example An effectively formulated strategy ensures that the resources, capabilities and competencies of the firms are integrated and allocated properly so that their alignment with the external environment works to the advantage of the firm. A basic requirement for the effective usage of strategies to the organizational advantage is the collection and analysis of a host of information about so many variables including markets, customers, technologies, changes in the worldwide financing structures and methods and also changes in the world economy. With this background this paper discusses the nature and organizational purpose of strategies. While detailing the rationale behind the strategic changes the paper also brings out a note on the formulation of strategies based on some strategic thinking process. There are various elements that make the orgnisational systems function effectively. Out of these systems some are considered important and contribute more towards the organizational success. As such these elements are complex in nature and need to be prioritized than the others. These elements form the basis of an organizational framework and add value to the organizational existence and purpose. ... Thus it can be said that strategy is an organizational process inseparable from the structure, behaviour and culture of the company in which it takes place. 3.0 Organisational Purpose of Strategies: "Purpose is derived from a person's or organisation's values and beliefs. It is defined in emotional and relational terms, and remains a constant even when the environment changes over time". (Ilia Van Roon) The strategies define the goals of an organization in terms of the direction in which the organization should march ahead. Goals are formulated in response to and in tune with the changes in the competitive environment in which the firm operates. The goals are often defined in quantitative or qualitative terms that drive organizational efforts to success. Thus strategies have the purpose of defining the organizational goals in both monetary and non-monetary terms. "Organisational vision yields an understanding of what the organisation intends to do; strategy is a translation into how the organisation intends to realise its vision" Successful organizations always are purpose driven, having identified the organizational purposes, aligned their goals, actions, responses and relationships with the purposes. Strategies defining the organizational purposes are required to motivate the people by using goal oriented language to relate the people's cognitive and emotional sides to make them understand the organizational purposes and coordinate their efforts towards achieving them. 4.0 Nature of Strategy: The strategy of a firm is the match between its internal capabilities and its external relationship. It also describes about the nature of its responses to its other stakeholders like the customers,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Counterterrorism Mid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Counterterrorism Mid - Essay Example Understanding who may potentially attack a specific target also will disclose what tactics might be expected. Additional counter measures can be implemented to deal with group specific threats. In the United States, terrorist threats may be international or domestic. International threats come from groups who perceive the US as too intrusive in their homeland or their economic system. For example, Al-Qaeda has threatened the US because they see the US military bases in the Middle East and the Western capitalist ideas as a direct threat to Islam (Pape, 2003, p.7). Domestic terrorism is carried out by people who have an extremist view on a singular social issue. This is usually the environment, animal rights, or anti-abortion. However, on occasion racist and hate groups may act to diminish another citizen's human rights through the use of terrorism. Traditionally, acts of domestic terrorism were viewed as criminal acts and carried the same judicial implications as any other criminal act. For example, the destruction of a church may have once been viewed as arson and the process and sentence would be implemented accordingly. However, more recent laws and acts have made the motivation for the crime a differentiating factor between crime and terrorism. A person that bombs a corporation could be considered a terrorist if they did so as an act of social protest or part of an activist group. This gives law enforcement greater powers to gather evidence and investigate. In addition, the label of terrorism carries with it more severe sentencing. Fighting terrorism is a combination of law enforcement and counter-terrorism. Typical law enforcement techniques are used to analyze a crime scene, but the investigation and disruption of terrorist activity is unique to terrorism. If the crime is linked to international terrorism, the perpetrator may forfeit certain constitutional rights and the right to due process. Under the Bush administration policies, a person committing a crime that is linked to Al-Qaeda can be labeled an enemy combatant, rather than simply a criminal. This gives the government the power to hold them indefinitely without a trial and suspend the right to habeas corpus. The government can additionally justify 'sneak and peek' searches of their residence and the homes of their associates that may become suspect. Their communications can be monitored and their personal records seized. 3.) The Nature of Surveillance The war on terror and modern technology has combined to totally revolutionize the nature of surveillance. Surveillance used to involve watching a person, tailing them, and monitoring their activities. Police could also wiretap their telephone with sufficient probable cause to be able to get a warrant. However, technology has made everyone's communications more accessible than ever before. The use of cell phones and electronic financial records has made it easier to monitor or locate a subject. In addition, the war on terror has made courts more sympathetic to law enforcement and have eased some of the tight restriction on getting a warrant. These changes, when taken together, have a great potential to impede the civil

Monday, July 22, 2019

Assess the extent to which we can uncover Essay Example for Free

Assess the extent to which we can uncover Essay Official crime statistics report crime levels have been reported to be steadily falling since 1995, although showing a slight increase in burglaries. These official statistics are released by the Home Office, and are collected from police records in the UK, these statistics are widely regarded to be a true and accurate measure of crime, despite evidence suggesting otherwise. Another way of recording crime is through self report studies, which although does give out some indication of crime levels, it is considered to be inaccurate due to the anonymity of those surveyed meaning there is a chance of exaggeration or lying. A more reliable source would perhaps be a victim survey such as the BCS, a large scale survey conducted in the UK, which enables victims to report crime. Criminologists have used these to try to decrease the amount of unknown or unrecorded crime. Yet again this gives those surveyed the cover of anonymity, which could result in exaggeration, underplaying the crime, or just lying. Not only is this but it is open to mistakes due to relying on the memories of its participants, which may mean the results are wrong. Also there is a problem in that victims are categorising the crimes themselves, and so it may exaggerate some forms of crime, making them out to be more or less serious. Studies found too that types of corporate crime tended to be ignored; due to there it is seen as ‘minor’ compared to assault for example. Sexual crimes also tend not to be reported; due to the stigma’s attached to them. Young people are too excluded from this survey, as only over 18’s participate, and so a large majority of the population is ignored, and this means that victims of on-going child abuse can’t report being a victim. This obviously is one explanation as to how these statistics cannot be relied on to be wholly reliable. One argument against official crime statistics is that they are a record of crime, which are recorded by police, rather than of crimes reported to police, minor crimes for example like petty theft or vandalism may not be thought of as serious enough to record and therefore would not be included in the report. Another type of crime which falls into this category is domestic violence; many of these crimes aren’t recorded, due to the fact that it is so difficult to point the finger of blame. This means that we do not see a true figure of crimes which the police are faced with, only the ones which they pursue further. This shows that it falls to the judgement of the police to choose what is deemed a ‘crime’ and what is to be followed up. It is also suggested that police will record more crimes at points of the year when they are not so busy, however at times that crimes rates are high, less ‘trivial’ crimes will be recorded, this is because it frees up officers for more ‘important’ duties, and saves the police force extra work on things they don’t see as worthwhile, furthermore officers will record crimes more, or more high profile crimes, if they are looking to boost their own career, they may record more `straightforward` crimes, so that they can solve more cases, and benefit from a promotion. Some crimes are recorded, but due to work loads of officers may later be removed from records and classified as ‘non-crimes’ in order to decrease heavy work schedules. A second problem with official crime statistics is that many crimes go unreported, particularly domestic violence and sexual abuse; this is due to the fact that the crimes are seen as `taboo` and carry labels of ‘shame’ and in some communities these issues are seen as the norm, in the past for example many people simply accepted domestic violence as a common part of marriage, and something that could be resolved by the couple themselves; an example of this would be the fact only recently has it been possible for a husband to be convicted of raping his wife. When the man is the victim of domestic violence too, or a child is being abused, the crimes often go unreported, due to the shame of telling, and fear of not being believed. Also minor crimes, in which the victim feels that it is not worth making a statement, they do not report it. Gang crimes often go unreported due to the fact that they tend to take the law into their own hands, rather than seek retribution from the state, they go out and seek it directly from the perpetrator themselves, often reciprocating with a similar act of violence, which they had previously been a victim of. This is because they see their method as more effective and brings with it a higher status than reporting the crime to the authorities does. Other reasons for not reporting the police include, being scared of the person who carried out the crime, a drug dealer beating up a drug addict who has not paid him would be an example of this, the crime may be reported to other authorities, like the council, medical boards etc. or it is thought that many people do not report crimes, due to anti-police feelings. It is a well known fact that only a very small percentage of rape cases actually make it to court, even smaller is chance of a conviction. It is for this reason that victims are often very reluctant to report the crime, as the process of giving evidence and standing up in court is highly stressful, and weighed against the fact that it is unlikely to secure a conviction; it may be altogether less painful to not report it.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Advantages Of Digital Technology

Advantages Of Digital Technology Development of information systems and technology has evolved a number of changes in current trends and patterns of technology. Development of technology has evolved with development of digital technologies and smart phones in current market scenario. The following project is a study of digital technology as a new innovation in the information technology sector. The above part is well explained with the help of various examples defining the above statement as there is tremendous growth in development of various smart phones. The analysis has been drawn after researching from various books, websites and scholarly articles and critical analysis is being provided for the same. Digital Technologies: Over-view (Source:   [1]  www.hypersounds.es) Digital describes electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive. Positive is expressed or represented by the number 1 and non-positive by the number 0. Thus, data transmitted or stored with digital technology is expressed as a string of 0s and 1s. Each of these state digits is referred to as a bit (and a string of bits that a computer can address individually as a group is a byte). (www.searchcio  [2]  midmarket.techtarget.com) ADVANTAGES OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY We will understand some of the advantages of the digital technology in brief which will help to understand the concept in clear. Quality Advantage: The storage of digital as well visual information remains constant with the digital quality. Whereas the analog gets corrupted or duplicated if the signal is lost. Even in terms of digital quality it does not suffer from problems like analog signals or transmission of data. Editing Advantage: Non-linear editing allow taking piece of digital information along with re-arranging them at without any loss of quality. Splice of tape is moreover difficult and damages the original data. It also helps to combine the multiple sources of data into a single source. Portable: Digital technologies provide portability to the devices of any kind of nature. It gives the device high amount of portability and flexibility to the device. Storage and portability of data is very easy and not complex in nature. This is the most important feature of portable devices. (Laudon Laudon, 2007) Literature Review Digital technologies are basically put into use with a variety of physical form of communication like satellites or fiber optic transmission devices. According to Laudon and Laudon (2007) digital signals transfers the information in the form of wave with the help of satellites which has helped todays communication to survive and grow fast. On the basis of various studies made from different sources smart phones will make more competitive advantage through introducing different digital technological with technological advancement. Digital information is transformed with the help of a modem in the computer to analog signals and then analog phone signals are converted into digital information of a computer device or any other device. Even the technological advancement, engineering, re-construction and technological transfer have made smart phones the renowned innovation in this earth. SMART PHONES: A DEVICE OF UNLIMITED EXPECTATIONS (www.editorsweblog.org  [3]  ) The term Smartphone is sometimes used to characterize a wireless telephone set with special computer-enabled features not previously associated with telephones (www.searchmobilecomputing.techtarget.com  [4]  ) The smart phones are a result of constant development of digital technology in todays market. There are number of companies which make use of digital technology and have come up with a variety of smart phones. The leading companies are Apple Industries, Research in Motion, Nokia, HTC and many more. All these companies have come up with the best possible smart phones which have an unbelievable features and advantages. Smart phones are usually possess a number of features like Wireless Internet Services, Personal Information Management, Online Banking facility, Personal Organizer, Digital Camera with Photoshop and much more. ADVANTAGES OF SMARTPHONES: The smart phones are already built in with smart applications as well as loaded with immense features which help to make the smart phones different from other devices. Keeps Organized: Smartphones are loaded with applications like personal organizer along with various applications for reminders, calendars as well as task-to-do list and much more which makes an individual organized with information on finger tips Makes Work Easy:- It is to notice that with the help of smart phone, any person can make notes, review their various files and contact on the phone itself making the work more easy and simple. Availability of Information:- Smart phones are the devices which can provide almost any kind of information and services at any point of time. Information regarding maps and weather report or current news of the market and much more can be easily accessible through a smart phone. Always in-touch: These days most of the smart phones are being built specially to support social networking sites applications like facebook, twitter, and g-talk messenger. A person can stay in touch with all their people at all the time without any problem. Even it includes business man as these kinds of features are much required in their day-to-day working. (Chaffey, 2009) Information Sharing: With the use of smart phones more data can be sent and received with the help of email with big attachments can be shared instantly with the help of these smart phones. These features are being analyzed by businessmen as they need such applications in their phones for their daily work. Faster Communication:-Smart phones are the carrier of faster communication. They are built in to support web services which make communication the best. Phones like iphones and Blackberry have this facility where the web services is like a carrier and it is always in use which makes the phone different from other devices. Functionality: Many models offer built-in digital cameras with immediate snap and send functionality, so remote workers or offsite staff can instantly photograph and send images or videos of anything from suppliers goods to site inspections or damaged warehouse machinery. (  [5]  Source: www.is4profit.com) A REAL DEBATE ON SMART PHONES TO BE THE NEXT GENERATION DEVICE According to the various markets survey and current trends prove that the smart phones are presently the best possible digital device available in the market. Understanding the current scenario is quite clear that even presently smart phones are the best available digital device. But certainly some changes and development has to be made. Smart phones are the devices which are useful to different kinds of people irrespective of the profession or position. It makes work easy with faster means of communication in all purposes. According to the current marker share Overall, smart phone vendors shipped 54.7 million units in the first quarter, up 56.7 percent from a year ago. Smartphones accounted for 18.8 percent of all mobile phones in the first quarter, up from 14.4 percent in 2009. (Source www.zdnet.com  [6]  ) This proves by itself that there is a very high amount of competition between companies manufacturing smart phones as in the time to come smart phones would be the most important available device to use for an individual. Part B E-Commerce (Source: www.makemoneyideas.in)  [7]   As per (Fox, 2009) e-commerce simply means that an individual or a group of people are conducting their business with the help of electronic medium. This method of doing business is getting very much popular nowadays and that is because of the increasing importance of internet and also customer are getting net savvy or to be more precise, this is the new way of doing any business to get more appeal and customers are getting something new to experience. This is the way due to which, they can get more information regarding the products by sitting at their home, and also at the same time they might have their stores at the high streets but for something more to offer to the final consumers they might be doing their business online. The other example of E Commerce is eBay and Amazon. This is the organizations, which do their business completely online and they do not have their stores running on the high streets. (Fitzsimmons, 2007) Types of Ecommerce: Business-to-consumer: This is the type of business where they interact directly with the consumers. The best example is Dixons. Business-to-business: This is the type of business where they need to interact and trade with other businesses. For examples, Tesco by using information communication technology manage its all aspects of supply chain such as to supports patterns of repeat orders, delivery and payments between the company and its major suppliers. Consumer-to-consumer: This type of ecommerce occurs between individuals which involves forms of cash commerce normally for low cost goods or services. The classic example of C2C ecommerce is Ebay. Mobile commerce: Mobile commerce is the ability to conduct or operate the commerce using a mobile device such as smartphones personal digital assistant and other emerging mobile devices. Mobile commerce represents small fraction of total e-commerce transactions. Web 2.0 Technologies: (Source: www.xtreamtechnologies.com)  [8]   Web 2.0 is mainly linked with the application related to the web that would actually facilitate sharing of information, design that is user centre in nature and also include partnership with World Wide Web. It includes RSS feeds, social bookmarking, weblogs, folksonomies and wikis. Literature Review As per Fox (2009) it can be described as the new tools in the internet that actually creates the idea that all of the people would use the internet media and also at the same time would use the web should not just use it as and when it is required by them but instead they need to contribute actively that would actually help to customize technology and media to fulfill their needs and also for their society. It is said that new technology is being developed which is very useful for the existing and new business to flourish. It mostly promises to help and prove to be very much productive to those firm that are not focused on the profits but instead they help to improve the standard of living. Importance of e-commerce and web 2.0 technologies for online business: It is quite common that internet is the thing that drives business in its true sense. Also apart from this, there are many other things that would help the organization to stay competitive in the market and so there is more and more need for better use of the internet so that they are able to achieve their organizational goals and objectives within a short span of time and to make it fundamentally strong. Web 2.0 is the element that would add or is referred as the trend is the very much developing in todays business world. It mainly facilitates and increases their creativity, sharing of their information, and also at the same time, it is easy form tem for effectively communicating. If the business can use it successfully, it can prove to be very much productive for the organization. (Mc Leod, 2007) Role of e-commerce web 2.0 technologies: Case study of eBay The most important feature of ecommerce is its utility in whole global market scenario. Because of its online facility consumers or manufacturers need not face any major trade barriers. The other main part of the business is they can do the trading all round the clock and without any sort of disturbance to both the parties. The other thing that they need to do is, eBay has actually taken full advantage of the ecommerce and they had come about with the new products with detailed overview and presentation in the right format so that, so that more sales can be done in a short span of time. Apart from this, eBay was able to cater to any market in any geographical location due to better use of the internet as and when it is required by the business. There was also a low amount operational cost involved. There was also no special need for physical company that needs to set up by every customer. (Spencer, 2006) Customers were getting chance that they can select any given product at any given point of time. They were able to cater to local market specially. EBay started with the business that was easy to start with and also at the same time, was easy to manage. Role of e-commerce web 2.0 technologies: Case study of Amazon Amazon is also one of the biggest online business organization which focuses is selling the product online or with the help of ecommerce. Ecommerce is the only way by which they have been successful in the current market place and they have developed their business at a huge space after a dotcom bubble. Amazon also uses web 2.0 technologies to serve their customer in a much better way. As per (Nilson, 2010) it is the way by which, they have been able to attract number of consumers and also to market their products in a smarter way. With the help of web 2.0 technologies it was possible for them to use the video to show the demo of their product. This is very much useful when the customers are from different place and would like to see how the product looks like and how does it actually work. So this was possible only with the help of the web technology. Tagging is also one of the ways which Amazon is very much successful in using it due to which the customers are able to find the product in a quick manner and without writing any sort of major descriptions. It would also make it possible that a customer can actually compare between two different products. This would give them an additional service and also at the same time, clients can make use of the best alternative product. Amazon was successful after implementing the technology. (Fitzsimmons, 2007) CONCLUSION As it is the world of digital technology and e-commerce, digital signals help for the transmission of information as per needed and required. The rapid technological advancement, transfer, changes and specification has made the world a unit home. The latest development in terms of technology or development of smart phones will make it easier to do quality activities with high security, obligation, co-relation, justice. Radical changes have been noticed after the implementation of such technologies, as is the case in success of eBay and Amazon making it possible to instantly buy or sell online and boost the business. The possibility of better performance and business by organisations like eBay and Amazon due to development of web 2.0 technologies and e-commerce is sure to widen and achieve more competitive advantage in coming days. Similarly, as already proven by current trends smart phones will achieve wider sophisticated market in the world of business competition. Overall technological innovation like web 2.0 and smarts phones are sure to extend far beyond in the ever increasing world of tough completion. References: Christopher M. Spencer, (2006), The eBay entrepreneur, published by Kaplan Publishing, USA. Chaffey, D. (2009), E-business and E-commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, (4th Edition) Harlow/FT Prentice Hall. Fitzsimmons, J.A Fitzsimmons, M.J. (2007), Service Management: Operations Strategy, Information Technology, (6th Edition) Singapore, McGraw Hill International Edition. Kevin Nilson, (2010), Web 2.0 Fundamentals for Developers, (1st Edition), Published by Jones and Barlett, Sudbury, UK. Laudon, K and Laudon, J (2007). Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, (10th Edition) Pearson Education Mc Leod, R. (2007) Management Information Systems, (10th Edition), Prentice Hall Publishing. Scott C. Fox, (2009), E-riches 2.0 next generation marketing strategies for making millions online, Published by Amacom Books, New York. http://makemoneyideas.in/Ecommerce.php, [Assessed on 04 December 2010] http://xtreamtechnologies.com/Web_Development.html, [Assessed on 05 December 2010] http://searchcio-midmarket.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid183_gci211948,00.html [Assessed on 01 December 2010] http://www.hypersounds.es/index_en.html [Assessed on 01 December 2010] http://searchmobilecomputing.techtarget.com/definition/smartphone [Assessed on 02 December 2010] http://www.is4profit.com/business-advice/it-telecoms/smartphones/the-benefits-of-smartphones.html [Assessed on 01 December 2010] http://www.zdnet.com/blog/btl/apple-iphone-smartphone-market-share-surges-rim-slips/34181 [Assessed on 3 December 2010] http://www.editorsweblog.org/multimedia/2010/02/smartphone_sales_soar_in_2009.php [Assessed on 3 December 2010]

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Steroids Philosophy Essay

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Steroids Philosophy Essay Youre looking at a muscle fitness magazine and as you flip through each page you see more and more of these massive guys and the only thing you can think about is being just like them. It isnt a mystery to anyone how their muscles became so enlarged, and the only thing stopping you from trying to reach their extreme is the fact that the stimulants they used were steroids. Fear of steroids does not result because of the word itself that can haunt ones mind or that the knowledge of the use of steroids can have negative impacts on your body. It is the fact that the use of these drugs are illegal and just because of this restriction, it makes it that much harder to trust these types of drugs. Every body builder wishes that steroids were legal in the sense of recreational use. For a drug that has so many positives uses its hard to believe that it is labeled as a negative and unhealthy supplement due to the fact that once someone says it is bad everyone jumps on the band wagon on how it is possibly terrible for your body. But for someone to really take sides on either yes or no to steroids you have to know what they actually are. Steroids are synthetic substances that are very similar to the male sex hormone testosterone. They help increase the amount of testosterone and/or hormone level that the body produces so that the muscle is able to increase in size and gain new levels of strength (Lukas, 7). The fact of it all is that this supplement that everyone knows as steroids or also known as; roids, juice, fat chick, balls, and gears, is beneficial for any male. People just see the negative side effects and assume that this drug might be so harmful that it has been labeled as the cursed drug that gives you the Hercules body mixed with Godzillas rage. But in actuality, steroids are not this devastating drug that people have labeled it as; they are a supplement that helps push every male to godly limits where all bounds are broken and the sky is the limit when it comes t o working out and improving their bodies. Not only do steroids help people enhance their natural limits, but they can also act as an alternative pain reliever for joints and muscle spasms. Making steroids legal will not only allow users to continue transforming their bodies into their ideal shape but in addition, legalizing steroids will also make them safer to buy by avoiding a middle man who could potentially tamper with the product, and would also allow the government to make a profit by taxing a product that is in extremely high demand. Despite all the negative views on these supplements it actually has numerous benefits. The benefits that steroids offer to competitors in the bodybuilding world are plentiful.   Bodybuilders use anabolic steroids to build muscle mass, reduce fatigue and enhance performance, allowing many to perform tirelessly at the most physically demanding time of their training.   Not only can these drugs help a person become more aggressive at the gym, but also run faster and increase their endurance level to a higher capacity.   When coupled together in a cycle of doses, steroids make it possible to achieve amazing results that otherwise would have not been possible. Steroids thus seem to speed up the natural process of building muscles that happens with vigorous exercise. They are believed to produce this effect by blocking the breakdown of muscle tissue, which occurs in straining exercise. Instead the chemical balance of the muscles is altered and muscle tissue growth increases. In addition steroids also improve the use of the proteins in foods using their amino acids as building blocks for new muscle tissue (Silverstein, 35). There are two main steroids out in the market help improve someones body image. First they can help slim down a person so that they have no fat and become what people consider ripped. In addition, they can also help increase the weight and mass of a user by substantial gains. With the two different ways of receiving steroids, either by pills or injections, ones options are plentiful. As people begin to look into the benefits of steroids they wish to be able to access these gains but there is one problem that stops them from getting the results that they wish for. This one little detail is the fact that steroids are illegal and that to obtain them you have to get them in illegal ways or under the counter. Under the counter refers to getting a product, in this case steroids, through the black market without a prescription or in other words illegally. In most cases if you really wanted a steroid, buying from under the counter is not a problem. However, in actuality, there are a lot of black holes that can leave many mysteries on what you are really getting. Meaning that in some cases you may have to buy steroids from a dealer that you dont know, and what you are receiving may not be the real thing. It is possible that what you are paying for can be something even more dangerous or completely harmless. In some cases you dealers could sell you what is known as a sugar pill and cause the placebo effect, which results in your mind believing that youre getting gains but in reality you have just tricked your body in what to believe. If the government would make steroids legal, they would be able to regulate and control what a person is buying and guarantee that the product someone receives is in fact a real steroid and not just a regular sugar pill or serum or something more harmful. This would make the buyer feel more confident in their purchase by knowing that it is safe to use and that they are doing it legally. Not only will this make the consumer feel more secure on what they are buying and ingesting, but it would also make it possible for the government to tax steroids, so everybody wins. The most popular perspective on steroids is what has been said again and again for years; that the use of them increases muscle size and mass beyond belief but that they are harmful and bad for ones body and can have negative effects in the long run. However, what people do not know is that steroids can be extremely beneficial to health patients who are in dire need of medical help. The benefits of steroids are not limited to athletes and bodybuilders but also to medical patients. Some medical treatments that use steroids as a major stimulate throughout the recovery process are: Extensive treatment of various forms of cancer and other muscle deteriorating diseases, treatment of Bells palsy and facial paralysis attacks, treatment of Alzheimers Disease, treatment of hormonal disorders, asthma and kidney problems(Lukas,47). Other cases where steroids are used in medical treatment is for testicular cancer patients that often require the removal of the testes in men. After surgery, these men are prescribed oral anabolic steroids to replace the testosterone that their bodies are no longer able to naturally produce. This maintains their secondary sexual characteristics. In other cases anabolic steroids in high doses are given to transsexual women who wish to be permanently masculinized. Even though steroids are used to help benefit people in the medical sense, this helps shows how they are not all bad and that they are beneficial and can help solve many problems. In addition, the medical uses show that the many positives outweigh the negatives of what people believe might happen when taking steroids. Steroid is a word that we all know is bad with no good coming from it. A drug that has killed many men and destroyed many homes, lives and bodies. A cheap way to build a quick body that a true body builder took five years to get and an abuser can form in 1-2 years with the help of steroids. People inject like it doesnt matter what their putting in their body and they dont care what the side effects are. It doesnt matter how quick you want to hit the high level on bench or what you think your gains will be but in the long run you will end up killing every single organ in your body and in the end have your body just shut down on you. People think that the side effects will not affect them. That they take too much care of themselves and carefully watch how much dosage they take. But it doesnt matter. In the end, the side effects of these potentially deadly drugs will be devastating. Some of the most common side effects that may occur is the destruction of your muscles, this is due to th e fact that you are gaining so much mass and strength that you biceps and tendon cant keep up and thus basically explode after all the buildup of mass. Another negative effect of steroids includes impairment of the immune system. Unfortunately most users and even doctors are not able to detect this happening in the users body until after the cycle is over. For all people involved in body building or any sport for that matter, its critical to your success to protect your immune system but steroids help shut down your system. The effects of steroids will in the end help cause more pain than anything and are not worth the effort and money to take. This all may be true about steroids. That there are side effects devastating to the body but like everything if you use and abuse of course there will be terrible side effects. Every product you can possible get, can end up doing harmful things to you, from aspirin to cell phones. Just look at the typical cell phones, it has been proven that if you over use your cell phone and abuse it, it can cause brain tumors and health issues. If you understand how to take the right amount of dosage of steroids and properly alternate cycles, then it is very rare to obtain theses side effects. Like everything, when you dont use and abuse you will be fine. Everything in life has its limits and the people who abuse steroids are the ones who set the stereotypical image of steroid users and give it a bad reputation. Steroids in some opinions should stay illegal and in the sports sense they should, but when it comes in term of the recreational use the government should legalize steroids so that it would be possible to purchase them. In doing this, it would make it safer and better for the user to obtain steroids without the need of second guessing them self if what they are buying is really a true steroid. Along with all the benefits that come from steroids such as users who wish to reach past their natural limits, and the fact that doctors use steroids for medical reasons, shows that it is safe and useful and cannot cause extremely bad effects. It isnt about how you over use steroids, its how you use them to benefit you and hopefully one day the government will legalize this supplement so that it is possible for any person to use them.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Confucius :: essays research papers

Confucius   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If our government was run for the people, and not for the enrichment of its rulers, the US would be a more tightly unified nation. Confucius stressed that a government be run for the well-being of the people, and if that was applied today, results would be outstanding. Confucius also said to put aside military conquests and to work for the good of the country. Applied today, that would really help our USA.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Confucius taught that government should be run for the well-being of the people. For that to happen, more power has to be given to state governments, in order to really suit the needs of the countries people. The government could narrow down on the struggles of each part of the country. I think they would find a good number of the struggles to be similar. Therefore, stated would work together in order to solve universal problems. For example, you could eliminate a problem in Olympia, Washington and Miami, Florida at the same time. Because of their similar problems.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another teaching of Confucius is to put aside military conquests and focus on the good of the country. The US definitely needs to do this. Every day on television we see poor, famined children persuading us to support their struggle. Them commercials should be outlawed. The commercials should be on the poor famined kids in the United States. We have our own poverty problem in our country. We should take care of that before we solve another countries problem. The U.S. has also money and military force in the middle east. Sure we get some valuable products from them, but we should solve our own problems before we decide to dive into the rebuilding of some foreign nation.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Marketing at Nike Essay -- Business Management Studies

Marketing at Nike The purpose of Nike is to meet actual and potential customer needs, doing this the ethical and legal way. Marketing is about businesses such as Nike, getting the product to the right sort of people at the right price in the right place, by using the right promotion. Nike must target the right product at the right audience, for example, it would be worthless aiming sports shoes to older people because they don’t exercise because they are to old and weak. For the marketing strategy to be successful Nike must follow the main principal of marketing, which is identifying and meeting actual and potential customer needs, however, to follow this principal the next principals listed must be followed: †¢ Understanding customer needs, †¢ Understand and keep ahead of the competition, †¢ Communicate effectively with its customers to satisfy customer expectations, †¢ Co-ordinate its functions to achieve marketing aims, †¢ Be aware of constraints on marketing activities. To understand customer’s needs, Nike must be aware of their customers changes in tastes and preferences, the business will have to keep up to date with what customers want. Incomes must also be considered. This is important because if an expensive product was aimed at adults who are on the poorer end of the market, and they basically couldn’t afford it then the product will not sell. Therefore, the price of the product will obviously have to compliment the target market in order for it to be successful. Nike needs to understand and keep ahead of competition (other sport brands e.g. Adidas and Gap); to do this Nike must have better marketing strategies and activities. In order to be the best competitor, Nike should have better products and more high quality products with excellent quality and must keep trying to improve them. Competition analysis can be used to check what their competitors are doing in order to beat them. For Nike to get their message across they will need to communicate with the customers. Nike must discover how to get the message across about the new product, this could be through several ways of advertising, such as, leaflets, radio stations or even television, Nike must chose the best advertising method to suit the target market and actually promote the product. Understanding customer needs is another of the activities Nike carries out. They do this by carryi... ...n as possible. This is very important to Nike as they say they don’t operate no sweat shop policy. As Nike manufactures many of their products abroad it needs to ensure all the rules and regulations are being followed abroad to. These have been concerns by pressure groups that suspects that Nike isn’t following their code of conduct abroad, in the factories that are producing their products, however their isn’t no sold evidence. Consumers are very concerned that products they are purchasing are produced ethically and when they start doubting businesses they may start to boycott and purchases alternative products form their competitors. Consumers have a right to know how the products are being made that they produce, there is also a UN agreement the ethical constraints for Nike are no child Labour or unfair pay, but the employees get  £8 a week and it would take them a whole month to buy on of the shirts they are producing without spending any of their money on food, water etc. some people would consider that to be unfair but compared to other local jobs they are being paid a lot more. Also hour’s Nikes employees were required to work are 14 hour shifts which Nike also still denies.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gun Control Control Laws Decrease Crime Rates Essay -- Constituton Bil

The United States of America has encountered many problems due to the increase in amount of gun owners which has contributed to the rise of crimes and problems that we face today. Our nation has about 65 million people who own a frightening 240 million firearms. This ridiculous amount of firearms in our nation creates a need for gun control. Gun control laws such as the Brady Act can help solve gun problems and make America a safer place to live. The Brady Act and other gun control laws are effective solutions to our gun control needs. Since the law was started in February of 1994, crime rates related to firearms have fallen 25%. The Brady Act does several things for gun control. First, it makes a waiting period for every purchase of a firearm. This waiting period is of great significance for a few reasons. The waiting period which precedes the sale of the firearm gives the potential criminal time to cool off; therefore the chances of premeditated crimes are lessened. Also during the waiting period, a background check is required for the person trying to purchase the firearm. If the background check shows that the purchaser has been in prison or if they have even one misdemeanor, no sale will take place. The Assault Rifle Ban prohibits manufacturing, importing, and people from owning semiautomatic assault weapons. If a person would like to own an assault rifle they will have to attain a certain license and they also will be r equired to have a background check similar to th... Gun Control Control Laws Decrease Crime Rates Essay -- Constituton Bil The United States of America has encountered many problems due to the increase in amount of gun owners which has contributed to the rise of crimes and problems that we face today. Our nation has about 65 million people who own a frightening 240 million firearms. This ridiculous amount of firearms in our nation creates a need for gun control. Gun control laws such as the Brady Act can help solve gun problems and make America a safer place to live. The Brady Act and other gun control laws are effective solutions to our gun control needs. Since the law was started in February of 1994, crime rates related to firearms have fallen 25%. The Brady Act does several things for gun control. First, it makes a waiting period for every purchase of a firearm. This waiting period is of great significance for a few reasons. The waiting period which precedes the sale of the firearm gives the potential criminal time to cool off; therefore the chances of premeditated crimes are lessened. Also during the waiting period, a background check is required for the person trying to purchase the firearm. If the background check shows that the purchaser has been in prison or if they have even one misdemeanor, no sale will take place. The Assault Rifle Ban prohibits manufacturing, importing, and people from owning semiautomatic assault weapons. If a person would like to own an assault rifle they will have to attain a certain license and they also will be r equired to have a background check similar to th...

Human vs. Other Organisms Essay

Horse3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Donkey3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Common zebra3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Pig, cow, sheep3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Dog3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Gray whale3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Rabbit3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Kangaroo3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Chicken, turkey3: Isoleucine, Valine, Glutamine Penguin4: Isoleucine, Valine, Glutamine, 0 Pekin duck2: Valine, Glutamine Snapping turtle3: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine Rattlesnake4: Serine, Glycine, Threonine Bullfrog4: Valine, Glutamine, Alanine, Cysteine Tuna4: Alanine, Valine, Glutamine, Asparagine Screwfly fly5: Valine, Glutamine, Arginine, Alanine Silkworm moth8: Asparagine, Alanine, Asparagine, Valine, Glutamine, Arginine, Alanine, Alanine Tomato horn worm9: Asparagine, Alanine, Aspartic acid, Asparagine, Valine, Glutamine, Arginine, Alanine, Alanine Wheat10: Asparagine, Proline, Aspartic acid, Alanine, Alanine, Lysine, Threonine, Alanine, Aspartic acid, Alanine Rice9: Asparagine, Proline, Lysine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Lysine, Threonine, Alanine, Aspartic acid Baker’s Yeast11: Serine, Alanine, Lysine, Alanine, Threonine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Glutamic acid, Leucine Candida Yeast13: Serine, Alanine, Lysine, Alanine, Threonine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Isoleucine, Alanine Neurospora14: Serine, Lysine, Alanine, Asparagine, Leucine, Lysine, Threonine, Arginine, Alanine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Glycine Reflection Questions: Summarize your amino acid comparison in paragraph form. To guide your summary, reflect on the following questions. 1.What does it mean when scientists say that living organisms share a universal genetic code? It means that all extinct organisms have all the same genetic code. 2.How does a universal genetic code relate to the hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth? The near-universal genetic code is that all extant things share some type of common ancestor. 3.How are self-replicating molecules, such as RNA molecules in the â€Å"RNA World† hypothesis, essential to the most popular hypotheses about the origin of life on Earth? They reproduce, and could have been formed through abiotic chemistry on the early Earth. 4.How might similarities and differences in genetic codes, or the proteins built as a result of these codes, be used to determine how closely related different species are? The more alike the letters are in a species, the more recent the ancestor was. If the ancestor was recent then the more alike the two different species will be. 5.Based on the amino acid sequence data for the Cytochome-C protein, chimpanzees and humans share an identical coding sequence. What other species identified on the chart has a coding sequence that is most closely related to the humans and chimpanzees and most distantly related? Explain your answer

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

The Affordability And Efficiency Of Solar Energy Environmental Sciences Essay

Energy is know as the cornerst genius of both resources that plays an of import function in modern society. Our day-to-day life activities in place, office and transport all depended on the changeless and dependable supply of zilch. close to of the generation of energy in our modernised society is chiefly from the non-renewable resources like fogy fuels and atomic top executive. These beginnings be called non-renewable resources for the ground that they thunder mug non be replenish or reproduced in a comparatively short center of attention of clip. Fossil fuel is the most leafy vegetable non-renewable energy utilise due to the feature that atomic antecedent is game hot in conformity with many invalidating consequence. However, fogy fuels be consuming at a steep rate because of the high demand. The development of fogy fuels besides brings menaces to the telluric universe. Carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) is the by- produce of liberation dodo fuels which is the nursery gas al ter to the planetary heating. In add-on, firing fossil fuels besides come inputs sulphur dioxide that leads to acid rain. fall of coal, oil and natural gas allow for besides present a wide-ranging(p) impact on the natural eco carcass for good example oil spills and landslides.A solution for all of these jobs is to happen a new flip energy resource or renewable energy resources. Renewable energy is preferable over non-renewable energy because it produces non-polluting, clean and in full terminable energy supply to our local demands. In future, the use of renewable energy resources is sink to lift in a big graduated table because of deficient supplies of fossil fuels and besides because of authorities policy and plans to subscribe up renewable energy coevals solar, biomass, hydro ply, geothermic and air menstruation are list of renewable energy ancestry a fast development in many states worldwide. Among these energy resources, solar is known best for its emerging turn c opy advance in the universe because itaaa?s more dependable, low-cost and effectual.1.2 Overview of photovoltaic ( PV )solar Photovoltaic is one of the fastest turning energy engineerings, with ripening by an repute 30 % per annum over the past 20 old ages against a background of quick worsening costs and monetary values. In 2009, the photovoltaic solar industry generated $ 38.5 one thousand million in grosss globally and PV installings grew to 7.3 GW in 2009, up 20 % from the anterior twelvemonth 1 ( Fig. 1.1 ) .Figure 1.1 PV Market Size in division by application ( GW )Photovoltaic ( PV ) generates electric energy from solar from solar cubicles packaged in photovoltaic faculties. These faculties are usually connected in multiple of PV arrays to bring away more energy from sunlight. Inside the PV array, solar place result be produced because of the tool which the photons from sunlight collide the negatrons in PV carrell into a higher province of energy, thence brin g forthing electricity when negatrons flow. The photovoltaic term implies that impersonal operation part of a photodiode in which current through the gubbins is wholly due to the transduced visible radiation syndrome energy. Direct current is generated with the presence of Sun visible radiation at the solar cell, this energy sack up be used to power up devices or equipment, broadcast a bombing cell or solar hot H2O agreement. The promotional material and increased execution of PV system in many applications can function to amend the worldaaa?s energy options.Solar power is so the cleanest method acting actings of energy issue known with no harmful by- outputs or menaces to the environment. However, there are few jobs with solar power in power enactment facets. There is a demand of efficient converter to change over the DC current to AC supplies for users of energy that precious high-current low-tension AC current in high society to ease energy usage. Furthermore, the curr ent engineering of solar panel claims to be merely 40 % energy which is non consummate(a) in energy transition. Solar cell has a nonlinear current-voltage operating(a) invest where the maximal power nous ( MPP ) which varies depending on the PV cell temperature and the solar sunstroke degree. The spatial relation of MPPT is non known ab initio. However, it can be traced either through computation method or seeking algorithmic ruleic programs. So, in install to maximise the power extracted from the PV for solar faculty betterment, a maximal power point tracker ( MPPT ) is required to reassign the power to the burden. MPPT will be responsible to happen the electromotive ferocity or current at which the solar panel should slip away to pull out the maximal end product power under a given temperature and irradiance.1.2 job MotivationSolar power system offers the undermentioned advantages of environmental friendly, clean, low care fee, and a tenacious life-time. Due to these b enefits, the solar energy is one of the fastest turning mart globally. Nevertheless, PV system is still considered to be expensive, and the decrease in PV system cost involve abundant of research and development. In power electronics field, the efficiency can be improved by maximising the energy end product of PV array. There is a demand of MPPT rig in narrate for the PV array to run at the optimal point in assorted environmental conditions. Many methods study been developed to better the maximal power end product extracted from the PV faculties. They can be sorted out as mathematic theory- base accounts to do approximated descriptions of the PV faculties behavior, plan the algorithms based on the theoretical accounts, and standard trial of PV system to plan the trailing faculty. These methods have been tried with simulations and consequences approximate the public demonstration in existing environment. However, some proposed methods consist of rightfully complex construct ion or algorithm which makes the calculation procedure to be leaden or expensive. Apart from the assorted invented method for MPPT PV system, Perturbation and Observation algorithm ( P & A O ) is the most customary method used in market because of its simpleness and easiness of execution.With the rapid growing in solar industry an howling(a) figure of PV panels are runing today for the full-page universe. With the increasing of figure panels and life-time, the insuring of optimum operating conditions is going more of import, in order to minimise the power losingss. This creates the new contest of public presentation observation and analysis for PV faculties.1.3 Undertaking AimsThe chief aims of the undertaking areTo plan a MPPT Solar focal point Controller to maximise the power extracted from PV system.To follow up the MPPT algorithm controlled by microcontroller. The microcontroller is responsible in changing the responsibility rhythm of convertor to coerce the PV array o perate in optimal pointTo analyse the public presentation of MPPT accountant with the algorithm chosen.MPPT Solar smasher Controller that developed essential be low cost, dependable and static in public presentation for existent environment application.1.4 Scopes of ProjectThis undertaking involves execution of hardware and package for planing a Solar indict Controller that will tracks the maximal power point for PV cell in order to alter a rechargeable lead-acid battery in shortest clip.Choice of DC-DC convertor based on the desired end product electromotive force to bear down a battery through MPPT Solar Charge Controller.Buck Converter will be used in this undertaking development. The power MOSFET in vaulting horse convertor acts as a switch in the power supply component because it can defy high electromotive force and current. The c2000 kin Texas Instrument DSP microcontroller will be ascendent the vaulting horse convertor by directing PWM signal to power MOSFET later th e computational work has done.The simulation of MPPT algorithm through MATLAB SIMULINKMPPT algorithm will be develop on MATLAB and the public presentation will be stimulate and analyze. MATLAB contains posterior Support Package for c2000 Texas Instrument Microcontroller, accordingly the developed MPPT algorithm can be ingrate to the microcontroller easy.